As usual for a Tuesday morning I'm hanging around until I have to go to work.
I'm not feeling Christmassy yet, probably because I have to work tomorrow. I think it's putting a bit of a block on festive feelings. Not only do I have to go to work, but we're actually opening. We never open on Wednesdays but we're opening on Wednesday 24th December because that'll be a day when everyone wants to come to the library. Even the old ladies are commenting on how little time off we're getting. Though I'm sure there'll be a few people coming in because they don't have their own computers or don't celebrate Christmas.
davegotsu is allowed tomorrow off, although he has to take it out of his holiday time. I'm hoping to come home to a (reasonably) tidy house and a nice roast gammon joint, cos Dave is made of awesome. :)
All my shopping and present-wrapping has been done. Although Amazon forgot to send my sister's fiance's DVD and I've had to ask them to resend it. They said it will arrive before Christmas, though the delivery will most likely arrive when I'm out. I hope I get it on time as I'm seeing him on Boxing Day and it'll be a bit unfair if he's got no present.
Many thanks to people who've sent us cards, we've filled up our mantlepiece and the top of the TV. :)