Thoughts and Updates

Aug 31, 2012 22:30

Since I haven't posted here in a little while, I think an update is in order.

I am still looking for a job, but I have to admit to not looking as hard as I was. I keep waffling between working full-time outside the home and just writing full-time. This latest waffling happened when I realized that any job I have outside the home I get will most likely cost me money in the long run unless it pays a lot more than I'm worth. I drive a gas guzzler, so most of the jobs that come my way are the kind that will pay for my ability to drive to work and not much else.

Fortunately, I'm lined up for a temp job that is supposed to start in September. It's a call center job that pays $12 an hour. That's not spectacular, but it's also right on the bus line, so I won't have to drive. For that, I will accept $12 an hour.

Another thing that's been on my mind is that I would like to find more opportunities to play my viola. I'm a classical musician who plays in orchestras, string quartets and the odd church gig, but classical is pretty much all I know. It's a world of music where everything has to be written down and planned to the last note. I love classical music, but I'd also love to be able to branch out and play other things. I know musicians who can sit down and just play at the drop of a hat with no sheet music. They just jam, and they can play just about anything. Granted, most of them are guitar players, but I'd like to think I could do that with my viola. I just never learned how, and part of me is a little resentful of that.

Anyway, that's what's been going on. I tentatively have work lined up, but until then I'm resigned to the fact that working from home is best for me for now, and I'm also looking to branch out musically. Maybe I can even play some gigs and earn a little extra money that way.

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