(no subject)

Jun 19, 2005 19:26

kathleen, bianca and nicole d.

mensah and helen. history class pwned hardcore.

me and mensah!

ms bush and me. ahaha.

me, ms dziura (aka darth vader), and laura

sadie and mensah!!!

devan (bert mccracken), mensah, and bianca (luca what what) in drama class. good times.

christina d and mensah!


adriana and sam on BUS #9 WOO

adriana and me ahaha

the bus rules

adriana (have you got the impression that i'm stalking her? because i might be.)


old man on porch.

i really caught that sign by surprise!

kids. if you zoom in you can see one of them is smoking. i'm gonna tell their parents.

a different, more yelllow, old man.

a little house. for little people.


This weekend sucked.

EDIT: On Friday night I had a strange dream. I clearly remember figuring out who the Half-Blood Prince was. Of course, when I woke up, I couldn't recall. It's driving me batty. And that, was another reason this weekend sucked.
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