TrueBlood Fanfic: Celebration (Part III)

Jun 30, 2009 02:00

Title: Celebration Part III ( part I , part II)
Author: billshuman (posted by tiyen_leon)
Fandom: True Blood
Characters/Pairing:Bill and Sookie
Rating: X (what do you think)
Word count: 21, 884 (for all 4 parts together)
Warnings: S&M, Dominatrix type sex
Disclaimer: All True Blood characters herein are the property of Charlaine Harris. No copyright infringement is intended.
Summary: Bill and Sookie decide it is time to celebrate their relationship after a year anniversary they will never forget.
Author's Notes: written for all you true Bill and Sookie fans who wanted more......

"Hello Pam, this is Sookie", I said on my end of the phone.

"So it is. What can I do for you tonight? Bill not there with you in your little human world"? Pam inquired with her special sense of sarcasm.

"He should be walking in any minute. We are gonna have some drinks tonight and Bill suggested we go to one of those all night movie theaters. I have never been to one and…." I was interrupted by Pam's sterile voice.

"Good for you. Why are you calling me"?

"Well, I thought maybe you could help me. I need to find a place to buy um… clothes. Not ones you usually see me in but some that are more interesting to a man…to turn him on. Anyway, I am asking you because you are always wearing that black vinyl and men seem to like you. So, I thought maybe you could point me in the right direction." Pam's reaction was immediate…she laughed. I had never heard her laugh before and actually thought she was incapable of having any kind of reaction other than disgust with humans.

" You want me to help you play dress up in a little fantasy for Bill"? Pam asked with insincerity.

"Yes, I would appreciate that", I said with a hopeful glint in my voice.

"Hhhmmm, yes, because that is what I am here for…to help you humans with your sexual inexperience. Tell you what, I know some people in Dallas who can deliver a few items for you tomorrow while Bill rests. I will tell them to put instructions in the box for you. Is there anything else you need? I have more important matters to get back to."

"Nope, thank you so much, Pam. I'll be waitin' in the room for it".

"Honey, try not to hurt yourself. I might want the opportunity to see you perform one day", Pam quipped as another laugh faded in the distance as she hung up the phone on me. Well, I guess that went well. I am a little concerned about what might show up in that package tomorrow, but after what I experienced with Bill last night, I am willing to try just about anything.

Bill arrived promptly at 10 o'clock to take me to this swanky bar he told me about. Vampires frequent this particular place to feast on the upper class fangbangers of society (who knew that existed). We arrived to find a long line of excited and anxious people waiting to be given permission to enter the bar. The fellow at the door saw Bill and directed us to the side entrance where we waltzed right in with no problems. It was dark inside and it took a minute for my eyes to adjust to my new surroundings. I was aware that I was far away from little ole Bon Temps when I saw the bar patrons. These women wore expensive, shiny jewelry, designer clothing, and a neon sign that let everyone know just how big their breasts were. I think I would have to say that the men were worse though. They were attractive men, but I could tell I was not their type. Some wore tight shirts and even tighter pants. I assume to advertise what they may have tucked away (but from what I could see most of them should not be advertising). There was the occasional fellow who had on a nice suit and was well shaven but still gave me the creeps. I even saw a man in orange pants which made me chuckle because Lafayette would be envious. So far, I have only heard rumors of the gold pants he owns. I guessed that all of the customers here would be interested in Bill so I kept him very close to me. After all, a free meal is hard to resist.

"Would you care for a drink", I heard Bill ask as we headed for the bar.

"Sounds good. I'd like…." I began to say.

"A gin and tonic for the lady and I'll have a True Blood, O- Negative", Bill told the bartender as he turned to me and smiled. "What do you think? The people here may look a little eccentric but they are extremely wealthy. Many vampires acquire their monetary means of living from these types of individuals. They either give us their money because they want to have a steady source of vampire blood around or they like to be bitten. Then there are others who simply get glamoured for their money and blood."

"So, were you ever interested in this kind of stuff"? I asked hoping for the answer I wanted to hear but getting the opposite.

"I was. I had to blend in, and I sometimes still craved human blood which I felt guilty of. I knew it felt wrong, but I was trapped between my needs as a Vampire and the memories of being human. That is a tough place to be, Sookie", He lamented with a far off look in his eyes. "I am sorry. Maybe this was the wrong place to come. We should leave", Bill said as he pulled out a $50 to pay for the 2 drinks. My eyes stretched wide open.

"Did you just give that man $50 for our drinks"? I asked with a tone of astonishment and disbelief.

Bill replied, "I told you this was a high end place for socializing. You are paying for atmosphere and the exotic company (he pointed to himself at that last statement).

"Wow. Do you realize that at Merlotte's that would buy 4 cheeseburger plates and 4 pitchers of beer"?

"Yes but I don't think this is exactly the same as Merlotte's. As you can see there are no dead animals hanging from the walls". I shot him a look and he pursed his lips together.

We found an unoccupied booth in the corner that looked very cozy. The booth was one of those that curved around like the ones at Denny's only these didn't have food all over it and tears in the material. I slid around into the very center of the booth and the soft leather caressed my thighs as my dress inched up slightly. Bill was right behind me and inched in very close to me while he put his arm atop the back of the booth right behind my head. He leaned into me and whispered.

"You are the most beautiful woman in here. I am a lucky man".

I felt a smile form across my lips. Just as I was about to say something back, he put his hand on my thigh and made circular motions with his fingers that ignited a spark directly under his touch. He didn't move any further until I looked at him and with my eyes told him to continue. He tilted the left side of his body in toward me while his right hand stayed behind my neck. His cool hand eased up under my dress and quickly found what he was looking for. He slid his finger just under the side of my panties and I closed my eyes yearning for what happens next.

"Excuse me, Bill Compton, right"? Came the bellowing voice that knocked me right back to reality. Bill looked up at him, displeasure written across his face.

"Yes, you are correct and to whom am I speaking with"?

"Jacob Fineman. You don't remember me? London…around 1937, 38"? The man asked in a tone that tried to jar Bill's memory. " We stayed in the same nest for about 6 months and then you disappeared. I always wondered where you ran off to. I see life is treating you quite well". He glanced over at me and raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, it most certainly is. Jacob, this is Sookie and as much as I would like to reminisce, I am here on a date. Perhaps we can catch up at a later time as I am here all week," Bill told the man flatly but without rudeness.

"Certainly. I hope I did not ruin your night. I will try to get back with you and if circumstances do not permit, then I wish you well. Nice to meet you, Sookie. Have a wonderful stay in Dallas". He turned on his heel and disappeared into the crowd. Well, thanks a lot mister. I pushed my dress back down to its proper length.

" I have to use the bathroom. Where might that be in this place"? I asked Bill with an unpleasant attitude. He directed me to the bathroom and I made my way through the crowd in a huff. The door was heavy and thick and it took all of my strength to push it open. I walked around the corner and there was a long mirror that stretched from the left side of the room all the way to the right above the porcelain sinks. A covered bench lined the left wall. I don't know what the material was but I am sure it was not bought at Walmart. Even the stalls were gorgeous and huge. I guessed that maybe 5 people could fit in there but why anybody would want to pee with 5 people was beyond me. I looked in the mirror and began to sift my fingers through my hair pulling a few of the curly tendrils around to the front beside my neck. I almost jumped out of my skin when I saw Bill standing next to me.

"I told you a million times DO NOT do that to me. It scares the daylights out of me", I insisted as my heartbeat tried to slow down again.

" I apologize, but I thought I would come find you since we have some unfinished business". Bill walked slowly and methodically toward me. When he reached me, it was as if his body was pushing mine back to the benches but he was not touching me at all. I stopped when my legs hit the bench. His hands grasped my face and he kissed me. I relaxed right at that second. He sat down and motioned for me to sit with him. He positioned me between his legs facing out so that he could wrap his arms around me from behind. Moving my hair away from my neck, he kissed my skin lightly and began to whisper in my ear.

"Shall we pick up where we left off? I believe I remember where I was". Before I could say anything, he reached down and pulled my dress up to my waist and slipped his hand inside my panties. The ache began immediately. I wanted him to put his fingers in me and feel how hot I was. He put his hand on my chin and turned me to face him sideways. His mouth met mine and we kissed deeply. His tongue lingered inside my mouth as I raised my hand up behind his head to grasp at his hair. I heard a noise and suddenly realized that this was happening in a bathroom in a bar and people would be coming in soon.

"Bill", I said in between kisses, "Someone could see us. We should stop and go back out to our booth. I am sure someone has taken it already and you paid for some expensive drinks." Not once did Bill stop during my speech.

"Isn't that part of the fun, thinking maybe you are being watched while I touch you in private places", he said while his fingers found my clit and circled it. Oh God, I wanted it so much. He rubbed his finger over me and I found myself pushing up for more. The kisses never stopped. I was moaning inside his mouth telling him not to stop. He eased his body forward so that he could touch my opening that was already wet with anticipation. His fingers slid in with ease and I let out a sound that came from deep inside me.

I heard the heavy door open as if it were in a dream. My eyes were closed; my body was writhing under Bill's touch and I wondered if someone was watching me get fingered. He was right. I felt my body get hotter at the thought of being watched as he coaxed my body to cum for him.

His words fell upon my lips as he uttered, "Go ahead, Sookie, let go".

My body listened to his words as my thighs tightened up and my breathing quickened. I began to utter "yes" into his neck while his fingers relentlessly stroked at my hard nub until I could no longer take the intensity of the mounting pleasure and my whole body jerked as my orgasm took over all my senses. Aftershocks caused my body to quiver, and I finally relaxed in his arms.

"My turn", Bill muttered as he grabbed my hand and took me in a stall. He locked the door behind us and backed me up against the wall. My body shivered as the cold tile invaded my skin. He knelt down on the floor in front of me and put his hands under my dress. Grabbing the sides of my panties, Bill ripped them off with one pull. He pushed the front of my dress up and looked up at me with desire burning in his eyes. I spread my legs for him, and he buried his face into the wetness of my pussy. I heard his lapping, and I reached down to grasp his hair. The movements of his head under my hands turned me on even more and I arched my pussy up further into his mouth. His thumb slipped inside me as his finger rubbed the outer rim of my ass. Once again my body was responding to him and I felt the walls of my pussy begin to tingle and burn. I was right on the edge of cumming again and was just about to succumb to the urge when he stopped suddenly and stood up. In an instant, he had his pants down around his ankles and lifted me up in the air by my thighs. I could feel the muscles on his arms as he held me. He thrust into me with all his might and as the force penetrated my pussy, I came all over his dick. Bill held me up as he continued to pump inside me. I clawed at his back and moaned with pleasure at each and every thrust. I felt his dick grow inside me and knew he was about to explode so I leaned my neck to the side showing him that I was ready for him to take me into him.

"Now, you let go Bill", I insisted. I knew he could feel my blood coursing through me.

His cock twitched inside my pussy as he bit down on my neck and sucked with intensity. He continued to push inside me as he licked up every bit of blood that trickled down my neck. He pulled out and set me down on the floor. I helped him with his pants and situated my dress back to normal. Leaning back against the wall once more, I pulled him to me and kissed him tasting the saltiness of my blood that he had just drank. My whole body had been his tonight and it felt perfect.

"Who would have thought a bathroom was more that just a place to pee", I said in a matter of fact tone and he shook his head as a grin spread across his face.

We decided not to go to the all night movies especially since the ones showing were either war movies (which Bill did not want to see since he saw it firsthand) or horror movies with vampires and werewolves that Bill says depict them in a ridiculous light. So, we headed back to the hotel instead. As soon as we got in the room, I plopped down on the bed and let out a deep breath like I had been holding it in forever. Bill walked over to the bed and sat down beside me. He stroked my cheek with the back of his hand and then moved to my hair. Tucking the loose strands behind my ear, he ran his hands over the rest of my head gliding from the top of my head all the way down to where my hair met my back as if I were a cat. I could have sworn I heard myself purr under his touch too. There was nothing but complete silence in the room so I closed my eyes, enjoying the peace and quiet that surrounded my entire world right at that moment.

I rolled over to tell Bill that I have a surprise waiting for him soon, but was shocked to see the light from the sun peeking into the windows from behind the curtains. Glancing over at the clock, I can see that it is already 11 o'clock. Shoot, I slept through the rest of the night when I could have spent it with Bill. Sometimes I hate my human habits. Although, I can't be too upset with myself; after all, I had been sleeping at night for 25 years before I met him. I am sure he wasn't too disappointed or at least I hope so.

This bed was amazing and I could lose myself in the silky white sheets as I dream about floating on a cloud where I can't hear any thoughts but my own. But, I did not have the time to be a lazy dreamer today. I had a night to plan that hopefully Bill would remember forever (and to him, that's a long time) I jumped in the shower before room service knocked at my door. I decided to have a light lunch since I had no clue what kind of clothing Pam would pick out for me. I really hope she likes me a little bit because if she doesn't tonight could be disastrous.

I finished my lunch and headed into the bathroom to put my make-up on and dry my hair. Bill always says that I am pretty without make-up but that's just something men tell women so they don't get into any trouble.
But, it is nice to hear. I got my make-up just the way I like it and moved on to my hair. I squirted the fluffy white mousse into my palm and spread it evenly through my hair just like the directions on the bottle say to do. I flipped my hair upside down and clicked the switch on the dryer from off to on. The heat blowing past my face felt very comforting as I worked my fingers around my hair feeling for any wet spots as my hair began to get dry. I decided I would I would curl my hair since Bill likes it that way and tonight is definitely all about what Bill wants. I toyed with the idea of putting my hair up in a fancy design or leaving it down. In the end, I went with the up do for dramatic effect but I would wait to curl my hair and style it until right before Bill got there.

Once I was done in the bathroom, I came out to check the time and was surprised that I had been in there for almost 2 hours. I guess when you get lost in thought it is hard to find your way out. Bill would not arrive for at least another 5 hours so I decided a little TV might help calm my nerves. I grabbed the remote and started flipping through the channels. Maury Povich…at least we know there won't be a Vampire on there hearing that "he is the father". Ellen DeGeneres….pretty lady and can dance real good too. Lafayette says he wants to be her when he grows up. News, cooking shows, and some police files show about catching the most wanted criminals. Blech. I finally landed on a channel called Comedy Central where there was this comedian who was a Ventriloquist with about 4 different dummies. He was hilarious and to be honest, I needed a good laugh after what has happened in my life over the course of the past year. The show ended and I went back to my routine of finding another show to watch. Click. Stop. Turn. Click. Stop. Turn. Why does it have to be so hard to find something halfway entertaining that doesn't have a half naked girl running around with 3 different men or the constant use of the "J" word? I was just about to continue the conversation with myself about the ridiculous shows that are allowed on TV when I heard a loud knock at the door.

"Delivery for Sookie Stackhouse", the voice on the other side of the door stated.

"Coming", I called out as I tied my robe together on my way to the door. I opened it and there stood a tall man, about 6'2", with blonde hair who reminded me way too much of someone else and I think I may have thrown up in my mouth a little at the thought. "Hi, I am Sookie Stackhouse", I said to let him know he had found the right person. He shoved the package out to me, smirked, and left without so much as a "how are you". Well, that was just plain 'ole rude I thought to myself as I closed the door, anxious to see what my mystery package contained.

I probably stared at that box for 30 minutes before opening it. On top of the black tissue paper was a folded note that had the word "instructions" scribbled on the outside. I thought that was ridiculous because after all I know how to wear clothing. Just because I am from Louisiana does not mean I am stupid. Real funny Pam (I thought she was kidding when she said directions would be included) I put the directions off to the side to be thrown away and pulled out the first item…a black vinyl skirt that I am positive would not cover me completely. Ok, not too bad though. So far so good. The next item was a black vinyl bra that had the nipple area cut out for that peek-a-boo effect. More like a "HELLO, HERE I AM" effect if you ask me. I reached back into the box and pulled out 2 very long vinyl thigh high black boots. Looking at the heels on these boots, I wondered how far away the hospital was since I would no doubt break my neck at some point walking in these. The last clothing item was a pair of gloves that looked just like the rest, black and vinyl. I was now getting really worried about what else was in the box when my fears were confirmed. The final two items in the box were 2 leather straps and something with two clips and a chain in between them. I am pretty sure I had seen Jason use something like this only bigger to jump start his car when the battery was dead so I had no idea what these were for. I decided that maybe the directions were worth taking a gander at after all.

I lifted the paper up off the table and flipped it open. The first word on the paper was stamped in a deep crimson color that I assumed was the name of the store. It read "KINK". Yep, that about sums it up. I continued to read. The directions simply told me how to put the clothing on and to make sure that I was not sweaty when I got dressed because the vinyl would stick to my skin. And finally at the bottom, there was a descriptive instruction along with an illustration on how to use the tiny jumper cables and the leather straps. I kinda knew the straps were for bondage but the other item I was completely clueless about. Apparently, the clips are for the nipples as some kind of kinky pain/pleasure sex toy. I swallowed hard and sat down on the bed. Am I ready for this? Can I go through with it? I want to make Bill happy, and I know for a fact that this would turn him on because well, after all, he is a Vampire. I thought about the past year and realized that without a doubt, Bill was worth it to me.


It was now 5 o'clock and I had just under 2 hours to prepare. I still needed to curl my hair and put it up in a nice clip. It seems to take forever to curl my hair which is why I always contemplate cutting it short until I think about the way Bill touches it and then I change my mind. I swear there is something magical about the way he uses his hands.

I had just finished up with my hair (and it looked great if I do say so myself) and sat down in the chair beside the bed when I heard the card swipe through the slot. It was Bill. He smiled when he saw as he sauntered over to where I was. I stood up to greet him and he immediately told me that my hair was beautiful. Bingo….hit the nail on the head with this part of tonight.

"Where would you like to go tonight", Bill asked me with that Southern gentleman's accent that always made me smile.

"Well, I was thinking that maybe we could stay in tonight. Enjoy some dinner (well for me) and maybe watch a movie. How does that sound to you? I mean, if you want to go we can but I just thought that since we have gone out every night we can…"

He kissed me very sweetly.

"Sookie, we can do anything you want. I only took you out to show you Dallas in a different way from the last time you were here. Dinner and a movie sound delightful as long as I am with you."

I breathed a sigh of relief and a little bit of fear. Now that I got him to stay in, it was inevitable. I was going to dominate Bill Compton and make him mine tonight.

I asked him to wait for me while I went to the bathroom for a minute. He sat down in the chair and started clicking the remote. Looks like he knows the routine too. Click. Stop. Turn. I closed the bathroom door behind me and looked in the mirror. I told myself that if I can have an orgasm with someone watching me, I can do this. So, I started getting dressed. The skirt was easy because there wasn't much to it and the vinyl bra was also a snap. It actually made my breasts look pretty darn good. I looked back in the box for the panties that went under the skirt and realized that there probably wasn't any when I saw that the box was empty. I could not believe how tall the boots were but they sure do make you feel powerful. I slipped the gloves onto my hands and they came all the way up above my elbows. I was finally done and I studied myself in the mirror. I didn't look all that bad. The clothing fit me nicely, and I did start to get turned on at the thought of Bill seeing me. I grabbed the clips and the straps and opened the door.

In the entire year that I have known Bill, I have never seen this look on his face. He looked…hungry. I think that means I got the result I wanted. I slowly walked over to him and took the remote out of his hand and turned the TV off. The room became dark except for the glow from the fireplace and a few lit candles that surrounded the bed. He opened his mouth to speak and I covered it with my gloved hand. I began walking forward against his body so that the only choice he had was to walk backwards. Once we reached the bed, I started to unbutton his shirt. We never broke eye contact as the final button slipped through the vertical hole and I pushed his shirt back off of his shoulders. I bent over and kissed his neck lightly. I traced my finger down the middle of his body toward his pants. I yanked hard on the button and it fell to the floor. The zipper eased down, and I put my hand into the front of his underwear. His cock was already hard with desire as I rubbed it.

"You like that, do you", I asked but would not allow him to answer. I slid his pants and underwear down and he stepped out quickly. I put my hands on his shoulders and pushed him down into a sitting position on the edge of the bed. As I knelt down in front of him, I thought I heard him take a deep breath. I rubbed his thighs for a moment before telling him to open his legs for me. He did as instructed. I kissed up one thigh and then the other finally reaching his balls. I took one in my mouth as I continued to rub his thighs with my hands. I knew what he wanted me to do next. I moved up to his dick and began stroking on it. Glistening drops of precum began rising to the tip of his dick and I rubbed my palm over it to use as lubrication as I began jacking him off. I stroked his dick up and down and he began moving with me, pushing his hips into each stroke. I put my mouth on the tip of his dick and sucked on it as I stroked with one hand. With the other, I reached down between his legs and cupped his balls. As I massaged them, I allowed my middle finger to ease back and finger the outside rim of his asshole. Soon, I was not only sucking the tip of his dick but also deep throating the entire shaft. Each time my mouth and hand reached the tip I would circle it with my tongue and then as I stroked down I would make sure his entire length entered my throat. He had his hands on the back of my head pushing down on it with the rhythm of my sucking. Moans escaped from his lips, as his cock grew thicker in my mouth. I knew he was on the verge of cumming when I stopped.

"Not yet", I commanded. I moved up into a straighter position although still on my knees and leaned into his body. I began licking his lips slowly at first and then with quicker aggressive motions. I parted his mouth with mine and felt his fangs as they nipped my tongue. Some blood trickled out of it and I let him suck on my tongue for a moment. I took his right hand and pushed it up under my skirt. His fingers eagerly parted my pussy and he shoved 3 fingers inside me. I moaned into his mouth.

"Do you want it, Bill? Do you want to taste me? To put your cock inside my hot pussy that is all yours"?

"Yes" is all that hissed past his lips.

I pulled on his hand to coax his fingers out of me and lifted them up to my face.

"I wonder how sweet I taste", I said as I put his fingers in my mouth and let my tongue swirl around them. His eyes grew wide. "Mmmmmm. I can see why you eat my pussy all the time"

"Sookie, please, I want you. I want to be inside you."

I pretended not to hear as I knelt back down to suck on his cock. I used long strokes with my hand as I sucked allowing my teeth to gently scrape his cock to add some slight pain to his pleasure. He was not going to hold back much longer.

"I want it in my mouth. I want your hot cum to pour down my throat. Do it now." I demanded as I shoved my mouth down on his cock so deep. I felt his cock swell and his body jerked as he grabbed the back of my head again. The cum hit the back of my throat and I continued to suck on him, taking it all in me. He collapsed back onto the bed.

I told him to lie down in the center of the bed and put his head on the pillows. While he did that, I got the leather straps. He positioned himself and I climbed up onto him right at his waist and straddled him. I leaned over to bind his hands to the bedposts and my nipples fell right above his mouth. He poked his tongue out to greet them. They grew hard under the flickering of his tongue.

" You are mine tonight", I said, the words falling from my mouth as I bit my lower lip at the corner. I could feel his hard dick on my ass and I rose into the air, slid my knees back, and looked at him. He was watching me intently. I reached behind my head and pulled the clip out of my hair. My golden locks tumbled down and I shook my head to allow them to fall perfectly on each side of my neck. I bent down so that my hair fell onto his chest. As I made my way down his body, I felt him tremble under the soft passage of my hair over his flesh. I stopped at his dick and took it into my mouth once more. I looked up at him and saw that he too was watching me. I flicked my tongue against the sensitive spot at the head of his dick that made him gasp. I wanted to keep sucking but my body was aching and needed some relief.

"More, Sookie, give me more"

"Not until you pleasure me, Mr. Compton". I stood up on the bed and walked up beside his face, I put my foot on top of his chest and slid it up towards his mouth. "Lick it", I said. His tongue left a trail of wetness on the side of my boot. He was staring under my skirt and I could tell he wanted to taste me by the way he licked his lips with hunger.

"Want something to eat", I asked knowing the answer already. "Say it. Say what you want to do to me".

"His voice was weak with want as he uttered, "I want to lick your pussy and taste your delicious juice. Sookie, I want you to come in my mouth. I want it on my face….all over me."

The heat rose in my thighs and I felt the wetness begin between my legs even before I got to his mouth. I lowered my pussy to his mouth and he ravenously licked. His tongue slid inside my folds and I grabbed a handful of his hair as I moaned out loud into the air. I reached down between my legs and spread my pussy lips to the sides so that my clit was fully exposed to his mouth. He darted at it carefully at first and then sucked on it as if it were his last meal. I rocked back and forth on his tongue, my clit jumping at every lick. I put my hands on my nipples and tugged at them as he ate me out. My thighs started to tremble as my pussy walls felt the urge to contract. He mouthed for me to cum in between licks to my cunt.

"Oh yes, lick it, take all my cum", I yelled as my cum started flowing out of my pussy. "Bite me, Bill. Do it now".

He turned his mouth to my groin and bit into my flesh. My pussy contracted even more as he sucked on my thigh and made my orgasm stronger. He turned his head back to my pussy and started lapping at the cum. For a few minutes as I watched him, he rotated from the blood to my cum as he made sure he cleaned me well.

I could barely move but I knew it was time. Time to fuck him.

As I straddled his body, my skirt was just at my hips and my small thatch of blond hair was visible. I could see that he wanted to touch me, to slip his finger inside and feel the wetness of my pussy. But, I would not allow it, not yet. I slid down onto the head of his cock and rotated my hips a bit. He begged me to go down all the way, but I had one more surprise for him. I reached over to the side table and picked up the nipple clips. I set them on his chest while I removed the gloves. I began to get very excited as I anticipated what was going to happen. I clipped the left nipple and he arched his neck back in slight pain. I did the other one and the response was the same. When he finally looked at me, I could see that he definitely wanted me to continue.

Once again, I eased onto his cock with my pussy only this time I lunged onto his dick so that I felt the pain of it. I started to ride his cock with excitement, seeing him enjoy the pain of his nipples and the pleasure of being inside my wet cunt. I thought I was going to cum again at the thought of it. I dug my nails into his chest to help me push back down on his dick harder. His eyes were fierce with lust and yet I detected a look of surrender. He was giving himself to me. His whole body was for me. As I fucked him and my creamy juice was soaking his cock, I pulled on the nipple clip as hard as I could and they snapped right off of him. I threw them across the room and looked at his nipples. They were bleeding. I wanted to taste him again so I bent over while I rode his hard dick and licked the blood from his nipples. I circled my tongue around them and sucked on his nipples like he does mine. His blood was sweet and I felt dizzy with pleasure. I felt him writhe beneath me as his pain and pleasure collided. He roared and snapped the leather straps.

In an instant, he rolled me fully onto my stomach and lifted me at the waist so that I was in full doggy style position. He thrust his hard powerful cock into my pussy so hard that I gasped with abandon. Grabbing my hips, he rocked my wet pussy up and down on himself until I was begging him for mercy. He took his hand off my hips to grab the heels on both boots and use that for leverage to fuck me harder. I was trusting back into his cock for more.

"Fuck me, fuck me. I need your cum in me. Be a part of me".

He fucked me like he wanted to punish me. Punish me for giving him so much pleasure. And I wanted to be punished. I wanted him to keep pumping into me as hard as he could.

I was feeling my pussy fill up with desire and I had to hear it…to take control one last time.

"Say my name, Bill, say it".

A deep growl formed in his chest as he uttered from in between his fangs, "Sookie, Sookie, Oh, Sookie. I am yours. I am yours." And with that, he thrust deeper into my pussy than he ever has, and I cried out with pleasure and pain. His cock swelled until it had no room and my pussy walls contracted all around it and began to squeeze the cum from his dick. He thrust into me until every last drop was drained from him.

He was still inside me when he bent over and kissed my back.


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