The Adventures of Insomnia Woman!

Jul 27, 2006 02:37

So, I have a nasty case of insomnia, which, considering my condition, is not such a good thing. But maybe it will help if I get out some of the thoughts that are rattling around in my brain and keeping me up.

First of all, it looks like I might be writing some articles for an encyclopedia. So that's pretty nifty. Publications! w00t! I'll update with further developments.

Second, I'm going back to Chicago on Friday. It's been awesome chilling with my family in State College (man, did I need that), but I'm also looking forward to going back home. I miss the Glennman, and I have a ton of stuff to get done before the new academic year begins.

Finally, for a spot of angst. It's so frustrating to see friends willingly (but unwittingly, I suppose) getting entangled bad situations and/or stubbornly hanging on to self-destructive behaviors/ways of thinking. I just want to grab them and yell, "STOP IT! DANGER, DANGER, WILL ROBINSON! THIS WILL ONLY END IN TEARS, I TELL YOU!" But I know that much of my advice would most likely be either apathetically shrugged off or downright unwelcome. To the particular individuals I'm thinking of right now: I love you guys. NOW QUIT IT! Just back away from the crazy shit slowly, then turn, run, and don't look back.

insomnia, state college, life, work, woe

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