Jun 05, 2012 06:19
My children have conspired to ensure that I no longer get more than 5 hours of sleep in a night. The Little Guy especially, though the older child occasionally also contributes to my lack of sleep.
Case in point - last night. Little Man (the older child) went to bed roughly on time and quieted down right away. This was nice, but Little Guy (the baby) did not. Little Guy, instead, drifted in and out of a light sleep until we both finally fell asleep around 11. I then managed just over 3 hours of sleep until Little Guy woke up at 2:something for a mid-night snack and we drifted back to sleep just before 3. Then he woke up again at 4 and we have both been awake since then. And the Little Man (who knows he's not supposed to gt up or call to us through his monitor until 7) started calling for me at 5:48 because he woke up, went to the potty, and then couldn't get his overnight diaper back on. So Little Guy and I went upstairs to get Little Man sorted out and back to bed (only 50% success on those two goals). I told him that if he couldn't get back to sleep it would be ok to play quietly and not call to me until 7, That lasted until 6:10 when he decided that he needed to announce over the monitor that he has the hiccups. I am ignoring anything non-life-threatening until 7. Then I will take him to daycare and try to convince Little Guy to sleep for a while so I can nap.