
Mar 25, 2011 20:08

I'm not good at waiting. Never have been. I can remind myself to be patient, and I can act patient, but I'm not. On the inside I'm hopping up and down hollering "Why can't I have it NOW!"

I really want my most recent CPA exam scores to post. I took one test in January and another in February, and they grade all of the tests in March. It's March 25. I want my scores. I know it takes longer to get the mailed version, but the online scores aren't there yet either. In the last testing window I took a test in November and got my score on December 24 (a passing score as a Christmas present to me). I was hoping I could hope for the 24th this month too, but no such luck.

It's a computerized test with multiple choice and mix & match answers with a few free-response number-based questions. How long can it take to grade that?!?

Ok. Back to pretending to be patient.

In other news, for dinner tonight we have the last of some really tasty sausage we got from my aunt in California. We got it ages ago (like 2 years or so) and I thought we had eaten all of it long since, but as the level of stuff in our freezer has been decreasing I've been discovering things closer to the bottom that I had forgotten about. I just hope it's not too freezer burned.
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