Correcting Mpeg aspect ratio

Jan 12, 2009 19:43

So, i have a bunch of files i've pulled off of my S2 Tivo, they are .tivo files.

I've been converting them to mpeg2 using 'tivodecode', like so:

tivodecode -m MYMAKNUMBER -o output.mp2 sourcefile.tivo

It produces a mpeg 2 file that plays fine, but is in an incorrect aspect ratio. When played in VLC, it appears very tall and narrow (i believe they're 320x480i).

Does anyone know of a way to correct this, or am I just using the wrong tool to play it back or something? (and if this is inappropriate for this community, I apologize.)

Edit: Found a setting in VLC to change display (not in the file data though)
Edit2: I used Visual Hub to transcode it to mp4, and forced a new resolution
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