The floodgates have been opened, and the
TiVo Software Priority Request page for the 9.1 release is now up. See
my past post for information on what this release contains, but in short it has Advanced Wish Lists, better handling of EAS messages for the S3 and HD, Crestron support in the S3, some UI look & feel changes for the S2 family (making them more like the S3/HD), and more. This release is available for all Series2, Series2DT, Series3, and TiVo HD units, it is not available for Series1 or DirecTiVo units.
One thing to note for those who use MRV: For Multi-Room Viewing to work in software version 9.1, your other DVRs must also be running software version 9.1. Please sign up all DVRs on your account and have 9.1 installed before attempting to use MRV.