Hightlights, lowlights and a thing inbetween

Mar 01, 2006 04:01

-A french movie inspired me today, an inspiring french teacher who is able to reach to his naughty students' hearts' thru music. "Jamais dire jamais!"

-I finally finished my project, which i was actually late starting, im not sure if my teacher liked it, but it sure was effective. It was a personal kind of project, and when he threw me in that deep end the last time we met, i was able to swim back to the shore... strugling ofcourse, but we tend to forget it when we arrive with a smile. Only the grade will determine his honest opinion-which i care about the most.

-A friend got upset and left today, because my reply to her messages was late. Only she dosen't know she might never see me again.

It was the dead line of our critique, well it went well, yet i dunno why my teacher dosen't like RETRO!
Im so into it these days, i guess i can call it a phase. I'm loving it. He asked me to illustrate a book, since he likes my illutrations. i doubt i'd do that. Instead i'll illustrate him, as a thank you & goodbye gift. One of the best teacher's we've had every since i entered this college; too bad he is leaving. I think many of the most inspirational people in this world are teachers. They GIVE so much, yet what do they get in return?...
I have found myself linking my 'lights' of the day, if i continue, my lowlight might tag along. I better stop here.
Good night, and i wish myself a peaceful sleep, i am travelling tomorrow.
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