I so wish I had tickects to the AAA concert, but sadly I don't have any. Next year, though, definitely! I just hope I manage to save enough money to go...and not spend too much on Arashi DVDs or CDs or posters or such before x)
And I discovered during the last few weeks that life without internet and access is hard. Tough, because I'm used to spending so much on the computer that now that I can't I don't know what to do! No fanfiction to read, no news to check, no videoclips to watch... ;__; hard. But at least my schoolwork hasn't suffered and I've been practically living at school working, working, working. That's the point of my exchange in Belgium anyway, but it's still hard to adapt to a life without all-that-makes-fangirlsim-be.
But, yesterday I watched Arashi no Shukudai-kun's episode 103 (without subtitles) and of course I didn't understand very much but I had so much fun! I had missed seeing Arashi just being themselves and smiling and looking like they're having great time. And yes, I loved the Aimiya moment to pieces even thouh it was topped by the Matsuai just moments later! Aiba-chan almost eat my whole heart that moment... <3
(and if you don't know what I'm talking about, go watch it right now!)
Cheers from Belgium!