Belgium and Arashi, yay!
So, I left my cold home in Finland to come to the warm and friendly Belgium the other day, and so far it'se been wonderful! :D
It's like a summer here! A real summer, not like the one they try to sell us Finns as "summer", because it's hot, hotter than during the whole summer in Finland and I love it. Though, I've got absolutely no suitable clothes with me, as I thought ( it is September already, almost) that it'd be colder, ne~
Anyways, managed to find my way from Brussels to Antwerp by train even though I speak not a single word of Dutch or French. Found my hotel after half an hour walk and the staff and room are very nice. I've got a nice view to the street ^^
Walked around Antwerp for two hours and finally found a supermarket that suited my wallet (student wallet is always hungry....). Bought some bread and fruits, bread especially was delicious. Managed to get sunburns on most of my upper body (my face is spectacurarly red and spelling is not good) and so I am sure to give a good first impression of myself tommorrow at school.
Yep, I am here as an erasmus exchange student for three months and I'd love meet up with fellow Arashi-fans, if there are any in Belgium or near some where else. The distances are so short I don't know what to do during the train ride. Usually, when I visit home it's 2 hours train trip then 15 minute walk to the centrum, grap a bus, 45 min bus ride and then walk again 10 minutes. And that's not even such a long time when compared to other students! (my classmate rides 8 hours on a train and another 4 hours to get to their home town)
So, the 45 min train ride from Brussels to Antwerp is unsettling ^^ And at the same time so cool! XD
And the train's cheap as well! :)
But about good they exist. I don't know what I would've done otherwise, with no internet connection and all. So, I watched old shukudais and the AAA, which I love. The songs are <3 and because they're subtitled, it's easy to sing along n.n (not that I sing, ever, publicly). And I really, really love the way Nino dances during Jam on AAA. It's so nicely accentuated and full of energy and he is present, unlike in some other songs' dances. Anyway, Nino is love and Ohmiya is even more, 'cause Ohno dancing is <3