Jan 14, 2010 22:54
i feel happy!
happy that i finally get to get a proper shower after NINE days?! yeah, it's been nine days since i got into a motor-accident at bukit timah road. took off all my bandages and it sure feels good to just stand under e shower and scrub and scrub and scrub.
this is my second road accident, but this time it's the driver's fault. i was going straight and he was making a u-turn. he did not give way to me (i think he didn't see me) and i collided w this front left bumper.
the ambulance came and i got sent to e A&E. marks a few first in my life.
1st time on a stretcher in an ambulance (just like in the movies!)
1st time checking in into A&E
I didn't want to tell too many people about this, but news spread and i am very very thankful to every single one who visited me, brought me stuff, wished me well.
A few special mention:
YiXiong - who organized a visit session that ended up like a party instead. and for sending me to the polyclinic for my follow-up wound dressing change session.
It was a nice change to be a pillion instead of the rider.
Paige - who came over and went to pay my school fees with me. washed my dishes. washed my hair when I couldn't.
Daryl - who kept calling me to ask if i need any meals and bought me oranges to juice!
Avin - who bought me several meals!
Sebas, Ron and Lucas - who visited on e first night and bought me dinner.
Dominic and Antony - who bought me strawberries, milo powder (=.=), cookies and sunflower!
Adam - for baking 6 cupcakes. =D
Joash - who gave me a bottle of handmade sweets!
Grace - for e orchids!
Nigel - for the nuggets and burgers!
Jasen, Jasmine, Victor - for e drinks!
Kirk - for e bananas!
Stefanie - for 2 days of lunch and stats table notes!
Wilson, Michael - for visiting
Bart - who used his half day mc, traveled all the way with a stiff neck, to visit!
And soooo many others who asked, and wished me well.
and oh yes, i can't wait to declutter my room tomorrow. there is just too much junk in my room (producing negative energy) and i forecast a room colour change soon. =D