Apr 07, 2006 03:56
i hate bitches .....
dont care about there boy friendfs
that fuck other guys
act like they like you but dont
THat fuck three guys there senior year
do shit with other dudes when ther on spring break
thats pusasy smells like zack
that treat my friend like shit and make him feel like shit you dirty bitch
that dont like my fdriends
i cant trust u
that smoke weed with there ex fucker (zack)
thyat fuck up best friends relation ships like jawor and sutty
me and zack and then you tryed fucking me and sutty up
sorry zack but you lied to me to mother fucker
its cool bitch i got mine in spring break to
so i hope u had fun too.
my warts off my arm now and thats what u remind me of
i had some rerally good times with you and i am going to remember u alot but i got to ghet over u so please fuck zack and tell me because that will help me alot.
good bye ho
and for u ... goodbye mole