Title: A New Purpose - Part 3
Pairing: Miguel Alvarez/Ryan O'Reily
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Oz characters are the property of Levinson / Fontana Company and HBO. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Summary: Ryan and Miguel have a little heart to heart
Prequel to Over Our Head. You can find previous parts of this fic
here.2. Written for Challenge 288 - Love will always and forever break your heart. at
hardtime100 and Challenge 88 - Always time for love at
dove_drabbles3. If you're new to the Oz fandom, insults based on race, religion and sexual orientation are part of their vocabulary and included in the story. If this bothers you, please don't read.
Miguel ended up in the hospital ward when his withdrawal symptoms got bad. In Oz, Ryan would have brought him a meal, checked on him, but in Sing Sing, maximum security inmates didn't run around the buildings like they owned the place. Instead he waited until Miguel was back in Cellblock A.
"How are you feeling?" Ryan asked from outside the cell.
Miguel was in bed, rubbing his stomach like he usually did. "New man, all cured. Now I can finish up my schooling, maybe take some college classes and I'll be a changed man."
"Yeah? McManus will be fucking furious when he finds out that two months in this place and you're practically a model citizen," Ryan said with a grin.
"I'll just have to do fuck up then. Wouldn't want to upset McManus?" He sighed. "You really think we're going back?"
Ryan nodded. "I know we are. Mukada is praying for it and calling the Cardinal. He believes in prayer; I believe in the Cardinal."
Miguel grinned. "I can't believe you're going to church."
"Hey, you gotta do what you gotta do. I also signed up for the group therapy."
Miguel raised his eyebrows. "I gotta go to that, too. Mandatory for the next three months. You had no idea, right, hermano?"
Ryan had a smug grin on his face. "How would I know such a thing?" He stepped inside and leaned against the desk they all had. "Do you know what else they have here? Conjugal."
Miguel shook his head. "I'm done with that shit, man. Love will always and forever break your heart."
He shrugged. "What else do you we have here? We have no hope, no friends, but we always time for love. Or at least sex. Thinking we can find some lovely ladies willing to say they are our girlfriends for the right amount."
Miguel chuckled. "When people say they are bringing tits in, they don't mean that literally."
Ryan shrugged. "Gotta get creative, hermano."
"So you're paying a whore?" Miguel asked with a hint of curiosity in his voice.
"Maybe. I doubt it. Shit always happens, you know?" Ryan admits.
"But Nathan is gone," Miguel said.
Ryan shrugged. "She had enough. Can't blame her. Us in the same jail would lead to trouble and here there's no McManus or Glynn to protect her." He couldn't even protect her, not when he had limited access outside of the maximum security building, which was not just in another building, but a good 15 minutes away. Up the hill as they called it down in medium and minimum.
"So you're looking for a new love," Miguel said. "In here."
Ryan shrugged. "I'm looking to stay alive, as always. We'll see what happens."
"And you've decided that you're dragging me along whether I like it or not."
Ryan grinned. "I knew you were smart." He winked and left.
Miguel chuckled. He wasn't sure what the future would bring, but it certain wouldn't be boring with Ryan around.