Nov 27, 2007 22:17
I've joined the sprawling mass of braindead MMO players.
Also, the undead. Quite literally.
Mer bought me a copy of WoW as an early Christmas present.
So far, it's turning out to be fun. ^^ When I'm not dying. A lot.
It allows me to talk to few people again, at least.
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What server and faction are you?
Also, Horde. I'm playing an undead warlock, but I dunno if warlock is the class for me. xD
I'm on Azshara, my pride and joy is a level 64 Blood Elf Shadow Priest named Usahtiel. Warlocks are fun, they can do some pretty serious damage with an affliction or demonology spec. (Not sure what their 3rd option is. Destruction, maybe?)
Its fun to have a character of each class, and figuring out what you like the most. I tend to like the clothies (casters, basically) since the melee is a little too slow for my liking. Plus, I do some amazing fancy footwork with being a shadow spec for my priest. ^^
What type of server is Perenolde? I'll have to try that out sometime, let me know what your character's name is. ^^
Yeah, destruction is the third option. I'm gonna go for demonology, I think.
I've made a Tauren hunter, too, whom I like a lot. I wanna make a priest, probably a blood elf.
Perenolde is a normal server.
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