
Apr 22, 2008 16:01

I seem to be having problems with it lately....in various forms.

Well I am having problem with clothing in general. I have too much of it and just need to suck it up and make a charity donation pile.

I also have a pair of mystery knickers in my stuff...I've asked all the women whom they could possibly belong to and cannot find the owner. It's not like I have strange women removing their clothing in my bedroom (alas) so the list is very short. They're far too small for any males I know....so the knickers remain unclaimed. They're the first item in my charity donation pile.

Which brings me to my third problem with underwear. What to call it in fic? My fic of epic proportions (epic for me anyway) still isn't finished, but I did spend a significant chunk of yesterday evening wrestling with what to call underwear when writing for a readership from various countries. Now a bra is a bra in any English speaking country....socks are socks...but knickers are the problem.

Pants means underwear to me, but trousers to Americans so that word was ruled out.

Undies sounds childish....underwear sounds technical.

Panties is a silly word and I'm not American, I'm British.

But knickers just produces laughter and amusement from the Americans I surveyed....the sample size wasn't huge, but I think it was big enough.

That's it...all my female characters are going to wear boxer shorts!

fic, knickers, packing

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