
Apr 02, 2006 15:45

I've been a bit scarce lately on LJ, just surfing by and leaving a few comments here and there, and there's actually stuff I feel I should post about, because it's got me excited/frustrated/feeling good (take your pick), but I haven't got around to it, and now it's bound to be a loooong post... Unless I break it down to a few different posts.

Okay, this will just be about random fandom stuff (since cut tags don't seem to work in lists, I'll warn here about a possible Smallville spoiler if you haven't seen this week's ep yet):

  • We had another Lost viewing yesterday. I'm all up-to-date on Lost again, go me! This shows is at the moment so much more fun to watch with company.
  • I recently got my S3 dvd box set of Mutant X and have started watching it. This is still my guilty pleasure because the writing continually sucks, and I can still watch three eps in a row. This is one of those things that defy explanation.
  • I was pleasantly surprised to see James Marsters back on Smallville. I thought they were done with him and wondered why he had such a short run. Also, being unspoiled about comings eps is really growing on me.
  • Prison Break's got me hooked so good. I haven't felt like getting back into that fandom yet, though.
  • I've got new (read: eps I haven't seen yet) 24 on tape. Should get to that some time. I've decided this is not something I'm allowed to watch late at night if I need to get up early the next morning.
  • I read all 766 pages of "Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix" in 5 days. Best antidote for tooth removal surgery anxiety ever.
  • I bought my first ever Finnish movie on dvd on Friday, and the extras were quite good. I'm impressed.

And that's it for part 1.

hp, 24, smallville, movies, lost, mutant x, prison_break

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