Sep 10, 2007 22:32
I should probably be doing homework but this has been bothering me all day.
I can't stop thinking about her performance last night and what a disappointment it was. I'm all about giving people another chance and I really think that the media has pushed her over the edge, of course among other personal things. So I decided to go into it being really optimistic as opposed to my cynical self because I feel like she deserved it. If millions of people talked shit about me on a daily basis, my husband used me for my money and currently wants to take my kids away, was addicted to drugs and alcohol, and had a problem with the discomfort of underwear, I'd be fucked up too.
So the show starts and I can't hardly wait until she tears the stage up and gives everyone a big FUCK YOU. And then she starts "dancing" and "singing." It was so half-ass and lackadaisical that it was personally embarrassing for me. I was also surprisingly hurt by this. Loyal fans have stuck by her and have been patiently waiting for her to make a comeback. They have bought her records and merchandise for years. Since day one. But above all, through all the shit, they've been fucking LOYAL. And how does she repay them?
She drinks and parties all weekend and hardly focuses on the routine. Brit decided that her back-up dancers could do all the work. Brit decided that even though she knew a few weeks before the awards that she wasn't going to get her body to top shape so she be the best she can be as a dancer for her fans. Brit decided to throw away all of the faith fellow musicians and her fans have put into her. Brit fucked it up.
I have watched it about five times trying to figure out what went wrong, and the only thing I can say is that she has really lost her mind a little bit. People claim she was nervous or scared. No way. Old Britney would have thrived at the opportunity. It's like she didn't even realize what a big deal it was. She seemed drugged. One of her fingernails had popped off and she seemed not to notice. Her hair extensions were two different colors. Where's the professionalism? Nervousness didn't put her in that outfit or make her hair look like that. Craziness did.
So what now? I think the only thing we can do for her is support her not only as an artist but as a person. People only deserve so many chances before you throw them out the door, but I don't think we should throw her out to the dogs just yet. People say her career is already over, but I beg to differ. The support that she needs is there but it's up to her to be willing to take advantage of it.
As a final note I must add that atleast I like the song, but next time she performs I hope I don't have to say, "Oops, she fucked up... again."