Aug 24, 2015 10:40

So earlier this week a co-worker told me that she will be calling in sick on Friday. I was totally cool with that and told her that I would be calling in sick on Thursday because I, too needed a mental break from the craziness at work. I chose Thursday because Ghost would be doing an in-store at Amoeba. So I could sleep in, spend some time with the dogs and head on over to Amoeba later in the afternoon for the in-store.

I spent the morning with the dogs and watching old TV intro’s from the 70’s and 80’s on youtube. Srsly, HOURS of fun!!! I took a smartphone break at 10AM and saw that people were already lined up for the in-store and that signing tickets were almost gone!!! WTF? I was pissed!! Their webpage said that line ups were to start at 3pm and now it’s almost sold out?!!! Now I had to drop off the dogs and boogie down to the Fun Zone! So much for finding a little trouble before the show!

I send Marc a text letting him know the situation. He was just as pissed as I was. I told him I would be saving him a spot. I get to Amoeba and ran right to the heavy metal section to look for the new Ghost album. As I’m looking a security guard walked up to me and said, “Hey, yo. You need to check your bag. The guy behind the counter was trying to tell you but you just took off.” I apologized profusely and he was totally cool and understood. The security guards at Amoeba are fucking scary and you’d have to be a fool to even thing about doing anything stupid. I bought the album and got a signing ticket. YAY!! then I realized that I haven’t eaten anything so I got a big ass burrito at Chipotle and big ass bottle of water across the street.

The line is up to the small parking lot behind Amoeba. My plan was to hop into line when it got to DeLongpre Ave because the sun was beating down on the sidewalk and I didn’t have a hat or an umbrella. I ate my burrito in the shade and watched the line getting longer and longer. I said “FUGG IT” and got in line and took refuge behind a street light that was giving enough shade to where I wouldn’t cook.

There are A LOT of people here. From teenagers to folks my age to folks with their kids. EVERYONE is wearing a Ghost t shirt. Some people are even covered head to toe in all black. In this heat?

It’s now 2pm and an Amoeba representative made an announcement saying that they will be letting people in at 3pm. Marc showed up and he’s pissed!! “WHAT THE FUCK ARE ALL THESE PEOPLE DOING HERE? THE LINE UP WAS SUPPOSED TO START AT 3PM AND NOW IT’S AROUND THE BLOCK!!!?” I’m just as frustrated as Marc but I tried to stay positive. I spent most of my time questioning as to why I’m doing this in the first place but I’m here and I might as well make the best of it. Everyone in line are being super cool and patient. That made all the difference.

Marc and I spent the rest of our time in line talking about everything. I love that fucker.

The line starts moving and just as I suspected we ended up in aisle 1 in the used rock section …. Which is the back row, the row closet to the registers. I’m cool with that. It’s still an hour to showtime. I’m still keeping it together by hanging out with Marc but what’s really helping the time pass by is that they were playing the first 3 Blue Oyster Cult albums back to back over the stereo!!! I was talking to Marc and singing along. GOD I love those albums!!! After the B.O.C. they began playing “Sin After Sin” by Judas Priest. Marc and I were like, “YEAAAHHHH!!!”.


So some old broad in a bad witchy British accent stepped up to a podium that was set up and introduced Ghost. Saying shit like, “You have all been summoned through the darkness.” And “Darkness is upon us!!”

I wasn’t having any of it. I’ve been standing for over 4 hours!

Two of the Nameless Fouls .. I mean Ghouls came out wearing their brand new sliver devil masks and begin to tune up. Next their third lead singer comes out and does the worst Father Guido Sarducci impression for the next thirty minutes. Oh and they managed to squeeze in 3 songs which sounded like shit.

And that was it.

The line for the signing quickly formed. I managed to get a good spot in line. I just wanted to go home but I already bought the album. The line was moving slowly and I’m still considering leaving but McDuff found me. It was really cool hanging in line with McDuff. I love that fuckers. That helped defuse the situation.

It’s finally my turn to get my shit signed. The new lead singer is at the podium. I hand him my album and he starts doing his Father Guido schtick. I wasn’t having this so I just nodded and took my album. Next were the Faceless Fools. Those lazy cunts! One got a rubber stamp and stamped a triangle on my album. The other one stamped some stupid squiggle.


WHAT A COLOSSAL WASTE OF MY TIME!!!! If I would have just gone to Amoeba after work and heard them do 3 songs sloppily I would have been OK with that but NO! We all waited in line for over 4 hours. Hundreds of us were in line hours earlier than when we were supposed to only to get this lazy, sloppy, piece of shit fart performance?

FUCK THEM!!!! The cheated me out of my time and money. They no longer get my support. This will go down as one of the worst performances I’ve ever been to.

rock shows, freak outs

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