Week 228 voting

Aug 27, 2014 12:58

Applause to all participants! Thanks, guys! Now, let's VOTE!

* Vote for your favorite two icons, in descending order, followed by the icon with the Best Text.
* The icon you choose for Best Text MUST be different from the ones chosen for placing.
* Do not vote for your own icon or use "tactical voting." All your votes will be disqualified if you do.
* Vote for icons based on quality, not your series preferences.
* Voting ends Friday, August 29th.

Example Vote:
11, 15

] [2.
] [3.
] [5.
] [6.

1 | Okami * Amaterasu * The Hound by H.P. Lovecraft
2 | Last Exile * Dio & Luciola * D'Yer Wanna be a Spaceman? by Oasis
3 | Kingdom Hearts * Pluto * The Hound by H.P. Lovecraft
4 | InuYasha * Sesshomaru * The Hound by H.P. Lovecraft
5 | Dogs: Bullets & Carnage * Dogs * The Hound by H.P. Lovecraft
6 | Hellsing * Alucard * The Hound by H.P. Lovecraft

I'll get the new theme up later today! Good luck, everyone!

calendarsquares - a monthly color-themed icon challenge

Suggest a theme!

week 228, vote

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