May 02, 2006 20:35
It doesn't seem to register all that well that my politics essay (due on Friday) is worth a whopping 40% of my total politics assessment. For it is sitting on my computer screen, refusing to make sense.
I have decided that these semi-intelligent moments happen at 1 in the morning. So all I have to do is procrastinate till then and then I will get a bit hysterical and decide not to sleep until I've written a solid 1000 words.
WHY! am I so weird.
Today was a pleasantish day. I tried to be a nerd after lunch but feel asleep in the library. There was a sausage sizzle happening for something and it served my lunch because I was a bit wary of the homemade sandwich. (I had felt daring in the morning and decided I was ready for a ham + cheese + mango chutney combo.)
At around midday, I decided that I didnt want to die and so opted for something else.
However, since then, I DID eat it (when it turns dark and you're still at uni, you might as well have dinner there) and its actually very nice. :D
In other news, I have been guaranteed 3% in my psychology marks. SCORE. Luck is truly on my side. (The feeling is now of happiness. Before it was disbelief and a longing to be aggressive over a bibiliography assessment task worth 3%).
I love Macquarie at 3 in the afternoon. It's so lazy and people are walking around wondering why they're still there.