So, everyone was all abuzz about
Torchlight, and of course, being a fan of Diablo style RPG's, I figured I would like it, but of course, I have a lot of things to do, so I resisted.
Well, finally, the other day, I downloaded it.
Yeah, its good. Here's my review, its short: "Its like a Steampunk themed version of Diablo I, with most of the interface perks of Diablo 2.0, I mean II."
If you're a fan of the crack feeding pavlovian mouse clicking dynamic of Diablo, you'll like it. If not, don't download it.
Anyway, the only two bad parts are a) I have more important things to do, b) I'm always sad because writing a game is way up on my list of important things to do, and playing a good game reminds me that I'm not writing one.
Edit: If you're going to play it and you've played Diablo and friends before, I would recommend the Very Hard setting. I set it to Hard(Its Easy, Normal, Hard, Very Hard, with a checkbox for hard core), and I kinda regret it, as my character has only died twice and I've not had to town portal during any fights(and yes, right down to key bindings, this plays Exactly. Like. Diablo. And that's a feature too!), and between your pet going to town and selling junk, and the explicit design of a group stash to let you twink share good equipment with other characters its a lot easier to be a crow and hang on to shiny things.