My first NishiKato drabble XD

Oct 17, 2011 23:35

During the after effect of the bad news my mind go wild o_0, don't mind it haha
For now, let's hope their decision is the best for all of them not that I support it full . Let's keep support the new NEWS , Yamapi, and Ryo can you read it? . Anyway here my first posted fic *is the grammar right?*, I wrote it in both Bahasa Indonesia and English. There were slight differences but over all it was the same story. Just drabble cause I don't have anymore to write but maybe I'll make the sequel haha

Judul : Untitled
Pairing : NishiKato (Nishikido Ryo x Kato Shigeaki)
Rating : gak ngerti sebenernya tp bwt amannya aja PG-15
Panjang : 319 kata

“Kau tahu sudah berapa lama aku menunggu? 3 jam, bayangkan saja setelah menunggu selama 3 jam kemudian kau katakana bahwa kau tidak bisa “ Ryo berbicara panjang lebar di telepon genggamnya.

“Maaf, aku tak tahu kalau ada tugas mendadak ketika aku tidak kuliah. Temanku baru saja memberitahuku ketika aku akan ke tempatmu. Dan deadline tugas itu malam ini. Aku tidak akan bisa menyelesaikannya jika aku menemanimu membeli gitar baru. Ayolah, maafkan aku! Weekend ini aku akan janji akan menebusnya. Kau bisa pergi membeli gitar hari ini sendirian atau minta ditemani Yamashita-kun atau bahkan Tegoshi. Atau jika kau bersikeras ingin membelinya denganku maka bersabarlah hingga weekend. Hanya 2 hari lagi. Aku janji. Maaf ya.”pria lain di ujung telepon itu tak kalah panjang berbicara.

“OK, hanya karena ini adalah tugad kuliahmu. AKu tidak ingin orang-orang berpendapat bahwa aku adalah kekasih yang egois yang bahkan tidak mengijinkan kekasihnya untuk mengerjakan tugas. Dan aku tetap ingin membelinya denganmu tapi tidak bisa weekend ini, Aku harus ke Osaka. Hina meneleponku, katanya ada yang harus dibicarakan tentang konsep single baru. Mungkin Selasa aku baru ke Tokyo lagi itupun untuk syuting tapi bisa aku pastikan hari Sabtu-Minggu aku libur. Dan kau tak boleh mengingkari janjimu. Aku mau jam 10 hari Sabtu minggu depan kau sudah ada di apartemenku. Kalau tidak lihat saja akibatnya. Neraka akan menjadi surge bagimu. Sekarang cepat kerjakan tugasmu dan jangan sampai aku dengar nilaimu tidak memuaskan dan aku tidak ingin kau ke apartemenku dengan kantong mata tebal. Istirahat dan makanlah yang teratur kau maniak belajar. Sudah aku mau telepon Pi saja minta dibawakan makanan.” Ryo mengakhiri perbincangan sepihak dan menutup teleponnya.

“Hai…hai” kata Shige walaupun ia tahu Ryo sudah tidak bisa mendengarnya lagi.

Tidak pernah ada kata-kata manis yang menutup perbincangan mereka di telepon. Walaupun mereka sudah 4 bulan menjalin hubungan. Namun tidak pernah ada yang mengeluh karenanya. Bagi mereka kata-kata manis dan mesra tidak cukup untuk mengungkapkan betapa meraka saling menyayangi.

Title : Untitled
Pairing : NishiKato (Nishikido Ryo x Kato Shigeaki)
Rating : PG-15
Words count : 370
Un-betaed so sorry terrible english

"Do you know how long I've been waiting? 3 hours, after I've been waiting for that long then u said u can't go" Ryo said on his cellphone.
"Sorry, I didn't know that there were assignments when I didn't go to college. My friend told me just now when I was about to go to your place and, it has to done by tonight. I won't be able to finish it if I accompany you to buy a new guitar. Come on, forgive me, please. I promise I'll make it up this weekend instead. You can buy the guitar today alone or you can ask Yamashita-kun or even Tegoshi to accompany. Or if insist that you have to buy it with me so be patient until the weekend. Just two more days. I promise. Please forgive me." said another man on the other side of this of this conversation.

"OK, just because it was your school assignments. I don't want people to think that I was an egoist boyfriend who doesn't allow his boyfriend to do his assignments. And I insist to buy it with you but I can't do it this weekend. I have to go to Osaka. Hina called me, he said that there was something to talk about the concept of the new single. Maybe, I'll be back in Tokyo on Tuesday and that will be for shooting. But I promise I'll be off the next weekend. And I don't want you to break your promise. I want you to be in my apartment next Saturday at 10 a.m. And if you won't do that, prepare yourself. Maybe hell will be heaven for you. Now, just do your assignment and I don't want to hear if your grade unsatisfying. And don't come to my apartment with panda eyes. Get yourself rest and eat properly you bookworm. Ja, I wanna call Pi to get me some food." Ryo ended the phone called.

"Hai..hai" said Shige though he knew Ryo couldn't hear.

There were no sweet words that ending their phone calls. Although there have been in a relationship for 4 months already. But, no one ever complains about that. Sweet words have never been enough for them to express their feeling

f-lock for maybe a week, I don't wanna my sister to read it. I'll get a way to make some posts to cover it .

drabble, fanwork: fic

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