Apr 03, 2005 05:06
Invited out to the college town for a night shared with a keg of cheap unter-pilsner with some people i had not seen in an über-long time, and as the squeal that the wheel of my vehicle was speedily remidied by a kind and goodly man for no charge at all, i took up this invitation. Soon i found myself smoking menthols with rum glass in hand and turning down demands to chug this beverage by a fellow whom soon would be releasing all the raw olives he had quickly gluttoned down as a snack as he prayed three times to the porchelin gods. One other present friday night shared my name, and a third was mentioned - a Swede if i remember right. Smoking nicotine after such a time was a welcome pleasure, and it was relaxing to be in the company of such a lively crowd.
Nick - i dont know if your recent remarks about not speaking with your roomate refer to André as i have not spoken with you at length for a very long time and do not know your situation there, whether the vacancy had been filled or not, and don't know for certain that you will ever read these lines, but the sheer comfort i am experiencing begs me to ask you - You must tell André i am still in his debt for giving me the bathrobe. I just today tried it for the first time, and had infact forgotten about it. Yet it is something i will henceforth employ as a necessity and certainly never neglect again!
The pope's death was root of many a discusssion friday night, whether it be a blasmopmous 'fuck yeah' or an actual debate.