Folkrumor loredom

Dec 13, 2005 20:09

Yes a man was a jogging in front of my vehackle when tha light tarned green. Didnt see him atall till i pulled out ta go and then i seen im and slammed on tha brakes.
but seriously i felt really badly but it was raining and he was wearing brown; im lucky i didnt hit him, i came so close. he yelled at me but i couldnt understand what he was saying and knew it was anger. i guess i am supposed to say ill watch more closely next time?

LsD makes the brain bleed down the spine, this ive recently heard. I wouldnt trust the source of this, but dont want to sound in favor of lSd. One of those little chats where you mention lsd and whatever little interested quirky bit of folkrumor loredom you've heard and some guy chimes in with his first hand knowledge. I wouldnt doubt that the brain bleeds but i dont know about it dripping down the spine, what about a nosebleed or your throat or something. Anyway i bet he just was really aware of a normal dripping, what he perceived as a drip perhaps, and didnt want to feel it again. At any rate he wanted to ward us from ever tasting acid, and he did so, but it wasnt nessecary we were just talking about it. Personally i still really want to try it but i do so just as much as i want never to try it. I know that doesnt really make logical sense but thats why its fun to chat about lsd, and hear the stories and trip vicariously. i mean, lord bhudda[sp] starved himself near to death before his vision was complete, but no serious buddist would starve to death during their ritual fasting, or there would be a far sight less of them around. because their goal is not to invent the religion but to carry it on and experience it. bhudda did it so they dont have to. christ died for the sins of his followers, all that sort of thing. so why should we take acid when theres so many stories from previous generations? so in a nutshell this guy thought i was crazy for wanting to take acid (didnt really say that i did... but thats his mindframe) yet i think he's crazy for having taken acid. like cocaine and how people still take cocaine..... i mean johnny cash says to lay off that whisky and let that cocaine be. i dont want to hang for putting bad bitches down.

to end the rambling, this is my favorite time of year. please let it snow some more.

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