Then it hit me..

Oct 27, 2016 23:21

As children we are taught to believe in ourselves, our achievements and our dreams.

We are encouraged to go far and to never stop pushing for what we want. As teenagers we are taught to believe in ourselves, our achievements and our dreams. We are encouraged to go far yet to be realistic, pick one dream for now and make it happen. As adults we are expected to know what we believe in. We are supposed to have achived our goals and dreams. Settle down and get on with things. Be responsible, respectable and polite. Have children, pass on knowledge and bring them up healthy and well. Believe in our children's dreams because there now supposed to our dreams.

So what happens if the dream you focoused on as at teen becomes a nightmare in your adult life, no one ever told you how to deal with the nightmares. Therefor you become trapped. Have responsibilities yet no respect, politeness wears thin and you basically suffocate in a dreamless adult life. Which by the way is more then two thrids of your life span, but there's nothing you can do about it. Endless days of nothing but the same faces, same walls and same wishes of escape. Our childhood and teen years were a lie and now we lie to our children, give them faulse hopes. Because that is what we were taught to do.

Now what if you have a mixture of the two? Your happy in a sense, you love your partner and your child. Watching your child grow and learn fills you with joy and pride. But you know that's not enough to satisfy you completely. You look... But can't seem to find the correct thing to fill the Void that is ever so slowly getting bigger and bigger in your mind. It was cruel of our parents to teach us to believe in a 'happy ever after' because it isn't real.. It's more like 'happiness if you work damn hard for it'

And work forever we will.
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