On HP 7.1

Dec 05, 2010 11:49

So I don't have much of a review to offer of Deathly Hallows 1; I thought it very much a case of it was what it was.

Never having reread Half Blood Prince or Deathly Hallows (and never having seen HPB either) I came into it with a certain degree of blindness and had a job remembering some of the people who I should have done.

Despite that I thought it about on par with the better early ones (Azkaban and Goblet). Thought Dumbledore's tomb peculiarly modernist for a fantasy environment and Harry peculiarly well-muscled for how his character is described. And bizarre use of Nick Cave. But anyway.

The real purpose of the post was to gauge interest in the idea of one last old school fandom 'event' viewing like the one we did for Chamber - block booking at the Leicester Square Odeon close to opening weekend, room at a pub afterwards, etc etc (please no costumes, some people are in their thirties now).

I know a lot of people who came to see Chamber twice in November 2002 are scattered to the four corners of the earth now, but how about it?

This one first saw the light of day at Dreamwidth, but frankly, you can comment wherever you bloody well like. See if I care...
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