Aug 31, 2006 21:43
Welcome to Work Forest.
Forget homework for a second and listen to everything else I have to do: Dance team practice 7-9 PM (or later. or earlier for that matter) Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday. Forget Saturdays- they belong to the football games. 3 hours of work-out weight training in the week with dance team. 5:30-7 PM on Thursdays is Wesley Dinner (Methodist Group on Campus). 10 PM on Thursdays is Wesley Flag Football. 9 PM on Monday is Wesley small group. 10 PM on Wednesdays is STS (student to student religious group on campus. This one may get the shaft). Somewhere in there I go to class. I try to sleep, eat, and hang out with friends. On top of that, trying to possibly start a new relationship.
Now remember the homework.
And the thing is...I'm kind of in love with it all. I'm loving Wesley and I might try to live in that house next year. Especially loving dance team. Huge commitment. So much to learn. But the girls are great. We are all sisters now :)