Oct 29, 2011 12:03
I'm still alive.
It's been a long time since I've posted on here regularly but there are reasons. Five months without steady internet would be the main one but I am done there... There being the resort I was working at in Muskoka. I've been back home for almost three weeks now but I've been busy moving back home, getting unpacked and organized and looking for a job. Still no job and not completely unpacked yet...
I keep meaning to backtrack on here and read things I've missed but haven't had the energy so to all you lovely writers posting things on here I will get to it eventually.
I am going to a Selena Gomez concert tonight. I'm pretty excited because I have a huge crush on her and she has good music in my opinion. Also super excited to see that the Liverpool match is playing on my TV!!! HD game instead of staticky stream!