so I am sitting in the bar at the resort i work at listening to the live group here - Nite Life - and waiting for the ski show to start.
I love days off. This morning I woke up and went to buffet breakfast at the J.W. Marriott with two good friends. It was delicious and I ate a lot. I'm talking Belgian waffles, eggs, bacon, french toast, berries, melon, coffee... It was all so good. I may have shocked my friends with the amount and speed I consumed it all. I then relaxed in my room wrote three postcards and one letter - all in Spanish yay me - and wrote some random stuff and typed up some others. Then I came down to the bar with my friend Katie and we have spent the late afternoon here making use of the internet, having a drink and some food.
Also discovered that CB perfume is sold at a store in Toronto now and they have one of the scents I want! I so need to make a trip/get someone to make a trip to Toronto for me!!! Maybe I can order it from that store...
So I have this super nasty, gurgly cough. It was really bad a while back and when I was home last week I went to the doctor. Apparently it is a post-cold infection. He doubted me and was rude and condescending then prescribed a cough syrup I was unable to get since every pharmacy is out of stock on one of thew drugs and gave me an inhaler. I've been using the inhaler and continued taking Benylin all in one cold and flu and it is getting better but still pretty nasty. This is the second infection I've had since working here. Earlier in the summer I had a throat infection... It is near impossible to get healthy here. I am looking forward to October and leaving and being back in society where I can get healthy.
It will also be nice to get away from all the drama here. the he said she said, who made out with who, constant drunken stupor, childish antics the majority of the staff participate in.
I also feel the need to mention how inspiring, beautiful, amazing the passion
adorerdollylux has and shows in her posts. They are moving and bring such a joy to my days.