It's vacation time!

Jun 30, 2008 20:27

So, after a tiring two day car ride, the car power steering fluid leaking and getting lost in the timeshare place, we made it to our vacation place for week 1. (We have another place for week 2 bc the place was gay and wouldn't give us over a week)

So we spent all of sunday getting the car fixed, we actually woke up after 9 on a sunday for once (AMAZING!) and, in a nice change of pace, i didn't wake up with a sick feeling (as I have been lately of the possibility of the thought of having to see Josh in church) African Troll, our new joke, is now out of order since there are too many african people here. After the car, the pool, and a chinese buffet...yum, then diarhhea. As usual with chinese food + me. Shopping, 20 questions, and then sleep.

Today we went to SEAWORLD! But first!:

Meghan wasin the room with me talknig to Jarrod on the phone, and all i heard was m saying "no, don't stick dynamite in his blowhole!" and i screamed, 'WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOUR BF??" and she cracked up. he only said he'd do it if shamu ate her...not gonig to happen ever.

So we saw the show, a dog show with trained cats and a skunk and a pig, a circus like place, we went on an atlantis ride, saw artic animals and penguins, sharks, and got soaked. there was a touch tank with stingrays, and meghan touched one and screamed "EWWWWWWWW!" and promtly dunked her hand in to touch it again. and again, while screamnig about how gross and slimely it was. whatever meg.

on a side note, I also saw the second (final) episode of battle angel alita and blame! (which made no sense) and caught up on all the anime i missed. tomorrow is universal so that should be fun! this is gonna be a good two weeks.

Until next time, Ja ne!
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