Jan 28, 2013 20:55
So, my youngest daughter has developed this weird ear problem (because apparently no one in this house gets the normal problems - only odd and uncommon for us). The local ENT doc sent us to a doctor at the Children's Hospital to check it out and decide if it needed surgery. It's a two and a half hour drive, so we stop halfway to hit McDonald's. When we went in, we headed for the restrooms first. You walk down kind of a narrow aisle that dead ends at a wall. You either go right into the women's restroom or left into the men's. There is a large white sign with black letters on the wall beside each door declaring which restroom it is.
As we walk towards the doors, this old guy is walking very slowly in front of us. Now I'm old, but this guy was older - like I'm betting around 70. When he gets to the wall, he kind of leans right towards the women's bathroom and I'm expecting him to see the sign (right at his eye level) and abort to go left at any moment. Nope. He pushes the door open and goes right in the women's restroom.
Well I stop and look around at my daugher (she's 16). We stare at each other and then back at the door, both kind of waiting on the door to fly open and the old guy to come out, realizing what he's done. Nothing. She throws up her arms and says she's not going in there. We're both laughing and people are staring at us like we've lost it. So we sit down and wait for three or four minutes. Finally he comes out and goes back down the aisle like nothing is amiss. He never had a clue he was in the wrong restroom. So of course we start laughing again. And continue on and off for the rest of the trip. I think that's the first time I've ever actually seen someone go in the wrong restroom. I've seen a few false starts, but never a full fledged "used the wrong one".