Nov 12, 2011 18:38
I'd like to say thanks to all the nice and encouraging comments to my last entry. I started replying and discovered how frustrating and exhausting hunting and pecking with your left hand is. I'm afraid I abandoned that for now. I'll try to catch up later. There is still a lot of school typing and writing I have to do.
My orthopedic appointment isn't til Monday, after spending a week in this horrible stiff, sometimes crushing splint. I can barely wiggle my fingers, which look like fat sausages, so my right arm is useless right now. I'm really anxious for Monday so I can find out if it's cast or pin. After a stupid week it had better be cast.
I don't think I'll take having two hands for granted again. My daughter has to help me get shirts over the splint and tie my shoes. Finding pants I can button and unbutton myself has been interesting. Have you ever brushed your teeth left handed? Driving is tricky at times as well, especially getting in and out of parking places. I'm slow, but my writing is getting more legible. I've decided I'll be wearing these contacts for a while. On the plus side, I won't be washing dishes or folding laundry for a while.