Sep 18, 2010 12:51
I am soooo upset. Remember my fridge is supposed to be delivered today? Guess what? No fridge for me. I got a call last night confirming delivery this morning, so far, so good. Delivery time passes so I call. Turns out that due to sloppy paperwork on the salesperson side the fridge did not get on the truck this morning. If I hadn't called, I would be what, waiting all day for nothing? I was furious. I had to reschedule for something that was not my fault. IDGAF argggh I am usually very easy going but when I do go off my family knows to take cover. The reschedule for tomorrow would not have bothered me but I have a lot to do tomorrow. I'd promised Stacy dimsum for a while now and we're doing it tomorrow. My niece is having a birthday party which we'll be at for 2 hours max coz we have to get to the museum Stacy took classes at to catch at least an hour of their reception. The kids artwork will be displayed in the education center.
I guess I was so upset on the phone that the manager is giving me back almost half of the fridge price since the whole thing is due to incompetance on their part. So I am scheduled for first delivery (9am) tomorrow.
Part of me feels horrible at getting upset on the phone like that, and that salesperson had been so helpful and nice and now he's probably going to be reprimanded for this. ._.
Posted via LjBeetle