I've been growing my fringe from non-existant (in December last year) to this lenght.
and this is what i look like RIGHT now:
I'm cutting my hair today!!!!!!!!
decisions for next year:
1) acting lessons
- i've always stayed away from things i suck at, even if i enjoyed doing them... i used to like acting when i was like 10, you know that age when you don't need to be good, just cute and grownups go "AWWW, YOU'RE SO GOOD!" but what they really mean is "AWW, YOU'RE SO CUTE IN YOUR LITTLE BEE COSTUME!". But cute just don't cut it anymore! So i've not been acting [bar the Smerfs appearance and the now-let-us-never-speak-of-it-again Indian Ink]. so i figure i want to do something I like again.
2) gym
- i need the energy and the endorphins and, yes, the strength to punch through brick walls. who doesn't in this day and age?
3) no drugs
4) some vague notion about burning down the Law School building
I think this will do for now.