I pretty much didn't know what to write for the whole week since everyday I have felt like a bag of fucking shit.I'll try my best to come up with something tho,okay?
Fuck,yesterday was extremly rough on me.I think you probably got a taste of that in my last entry.It didn't explain things well,simply because I find it hard to explain.But whatever.And then I comfronted him about it when he got home and he said it was a joke.Im sorry,but saying you miss someone and their beautiful eyes and beautiful smile,and that "loviez you"...that's no joke.Ya,the boob part may have been,but the other was certainly not.And if there wasn't anything wrong about this then why wasn't I aware of all of this while it was going on? Ryan also said that he didnt call her,and she didnt call him.I kind of believe him,but Im not sure.I tend to joke around about it a lot,so Idk.He said I could delete her from his myspace and msn and everything,and all of the other whores.So I did that this morning.I do love him.
We also played Lions Radio Bingo lastnight haha.It was fun!I almost won the lastcard thing :| Cant wait until the next time we play,I'm already addicted haha. And ya,we talked and cuddled and whatnot.God,Im so mad at myself.And don't even bother to ask me why because I'm not gunna tell you.
Wokeup at like 715 this morning.Hugged Ryan before he went to work.Then I went on the computer for a couple of hours.That bitch mailed me saying it was a joke and that they talked about me and that I shouldnt be making pointless threats to her and this and that.Ya,fuck you slut...you tried to sweet talk me out of believing what I believed before,and obviously you were lying wernt you?
Then I went back to sleep around 930.Wokeup at like 1am.Ate some lunch.Went back to bed and watched some more tv,and now Im here for a little while until I go back to bed again.This is weird for me because I never go back to bed..EVER!AHHH.
Fuck,I cant wait until Ryan gets home tonight.I need to hold him and hug him so bad.
I doubt Im going to school again tomorrow.But I should get some homework from someone,and notes and shit.So,someone please help me out with that.Thanks.
Hoping to spend the whole weekend with Ryan..some actual quality time.Lets pray to God that it works out.We should get a movie on the weekend,but I don't think either one of us has any money.Gah.
long long long survey (over 300)
~*~ First, the basics. Of course. ~*~
What's your name?: Tiffany.
How old are you?: 18.
When's your birthday?: October 16,1987.
Where do you live?: NS,Canada.
Are you a guy or a gal?: gal.
~::~Your looks~::~
What color is your hair naturally?: light brown or dirty blonde if you wanna call it that.
Is it dyed right now?: yes,but its in desperate need of new dying.it was dyed a reddish brown with blonde highlights,but now it looks like shit.
What color are your eyes?: blue.
Do you wear contacts or glasses?: none.
If you wear contacts, do you wear colored ones?: none.
How long is your hair?: past my shoulders..well most of it,its long layerd.
How do you usually wear it?: down or in a messy bun or ponytail,or half up..depends..
How tall are you?: 5'11"ish.
How much do you weigh?: too much for comfort.
What size shoes do you where?: 10.
What style clothes do you usually wear?: depends on my mood..sometimes lazy,girly,creative..
What are you wearing right now?: Socks,blue thong with christmas chicks on it,grey sweatpants,greenish-bluish long sleeved shirt.
What jewelry do you where regularly?: i guess my heart locket.
Have any piercings?: Yes,ears.
Tattoos?: No.
Are your nails painted?: yes,some dark red
#~#Would you or have you ever #~#
Dive into a pool of jello?: meh,no thanks.
Get a tattoo?: god no,ew,ow.
Try and get on Fear Factor?: no.
Try and get on some other reality show?: no.
Pierce your tongue?: i would like it done,if it were painless.
Go bungee jumping?: no.
Parasailing?: no.
Sky diving?: no.
Scuba diving?: no.
Ask someone out?: Yes.
Fly an airplane?: i guess so.
Fly in a hot air balloon?: er,maybe.
Try and get in the Olympics?: no.
Eat a bug?: ew.no
::!:: About your crush, bf/gf, etc. ::!::
What's their name?: Ryan.
Are they a boy or a girl?: Boy.
What's their favorite color?: red,black.
Favorite animal?: wolves?.
Favorite pasttime?: sleeping,driving,car shit,video games,etc.
How long have you known them?: almost 3years.
Do you talk alot?: yes.
What size shoes do they where?: 12?
What color is their hair?: black.
What about their eyes (the more detailed the better)?: hazel but i call them green.little eye lashes
Do you like their style of dress?: only when i dress him,haha.
Would you change anything about them?: fuck yes.
Do they sleep with stuffed animals?: me ;)
How tall are they?: 6'1"ish.
What's their favorite food?: pretty much anything that isnt good for you!.
Favorite song?: idk.
Favorite sport to play?: hockey,baseball.
To watch?: hockey.
Favorite band?: metallica,rap bands,etc.
How old are they?: 20.
Do you think you'll marry them someday?: I hope so.
Are you in love?: Yes.
>~< Your favorite things >~<
Color?: black,purple,hot pink,Turquoise.
Animal?: cats,pigs.
Past time?: photography,web design,livejournal,myspace,surveys,scrapbooking,being creative,watching tv and listening to music,going for walks and such with friends,driving around with Ryan,beaching & camping in the summer,hanging out and drinking with my friends...
Sport to watch?: hockey,figure skating,skateboarding.
Sport to play?: swimming,boogie boarding.
Food?: mashed potatoes,rusaain chicken,salad,bananas,ice cream,chips,goulash,macaroni salad,cheeseburgers,meatballs,meatloaf,chinese.
Ice cream?: grapenut,cotton candy,birthday cake,strawberry,chocolate chip cookie dough..lots of kinds!.
Time of day?: Late morning or early night.
Day of the week?: Fridays and Saturdays.
Time of the year?: Summer and fall.
Memory?: Lots.
Place to be?: home.
Person to be with?: Ryan,Mana,Teen.
Room in the house?: living room i guess.
Article of clothing?: sweatpants,pj pants,hoodies.
Accessory?: bags,jewlery,shoes.
Name?: Gabriyella Dawn, Curtis Ryan
State?: province of Nova Scotia,or Toronto.
Country?: Canadad,Japan.
Kind of weather?: warm and sunny.
=?= Word Association =?=
Mike:: uncle.
Mic:: singer.
Arson:: fire.
Cool:: slushie.
Gift:: wrap.
Lame:: me.
Nose:: big.
Time:: early.
Girl:: Female.
Money:: pennies.
Calendar:: Girls.
Guy:: Penis.
Name:: Tiffany.
Grape:: green.
Friend:: Mana.
Horse:: Casper,haha.
Job:: Work.
Fun:: party.
Friend:: Teen.
Icon:: Tyra banks.
Hunger:: starvation.
Ring:: Finger.
Wood:: penis.
Flower:: blossom.
Trophy:: sports.
Bloom:: buds.
Fan:: the twins.
Grow:: plant.
Leaf:: fall.
Pen:: smooth.
Save:: memories
Book:: words.
summer:: sun.
Nail:: letter.
Paint:: picture.
Green:: tea.
Key:: hole.
Question:: answer.
Annoyance:: me.
Chat:: annoying.
Journal:: surveys.
Weather:: rainy.
With:: him.
Want:: him.
Need:: comfort.
Cody:: mcleod.
Fence:: flowers.
Floor:: carpet.
Stone:: henge.
Swing:: kids.
Bench:: wet paint.
Human:: animal.
=) Answer in song lyrics (=
Describe yourself:: NOOOOOOOO!
Describe your friends::
Describe your family::
Are you a guy or girl?:
Where do you want to be right now?:
Describe how you feel 'bout your crush, etc.::
Describe how you feel right now::
Describe your life::
Give me a word of advice::
Tell me something uplifting::
@',---- Randomness ----,'@
What are you doing right now?: This survey.
I'm hungry. Are you?: not really,i dont feel good.
What are you listening too?: nothing.
How many people are you talking to on IM?: im not looking.
Are you singing or talking or anything like that?: no.
Who do you miss?: Ryan,a lot :(
Who did you get your last email from?: Dad.
Who do you wish would write?: ugh,anyone really!
Learned anything new lately?: meh,no
What's the last thing you ate?: ice cream :|
Got any hobbies?: yes.kind of already mentioned them before.
How long has it been since you've done something creative?: idk.
When's the last time you went outside?: two days ago.
Who's the last person you hit?: Ryan in a joking manner.
Whose house where you at last?: this one,mine.
Whose house did you last spend the night at?: the twins house.
What's on your mind right now?: stuff that is making me depressed and kind of anxious.
When's the last time you were really angry?: yesterday.
When's the last time you got royally embarassed?: i dont know.
Who do you wish you were with right now?: Ryan :( hes a work,but I need him
Got any plans for the weekend?: nope
Are you getting tired of this yet?: no
Will you be my friend?: No,sorry
When life gets you down, you know what you gotta do?: cry,talk to someone like mom or Dana or the twins or even sometimes Ryan.
/*/ This or That /*/
Green or blue?: blue.
Red or purple?: purple.
Hot or cold?: Hot.
Pizza or lasagna?: Lasagna.
Bread or ice cream?: Ice cream.
Cake or pie?: cake.
Tofu or chicken?: Chicken.
Ugly or fat?: Fat.
Camera or camcorder?: Camera.
IM or in person?: In person.
Phone or computer?: computer.
Movie or TV?: tv.
Alone or over crowded?: Alone.
Music or silence?: Music.
Walk or run?: Walk.
Bike or rollerblades?: rollerblades.
Ring or bracelet?: braclet.
Taken or single?: Taken.
Guys or gals?: Guys.
Dark or light?: dark.
Bright or subdued?: Bright.
Cheerful or cranky?: Cheerful.
Smile or grin?: Smile.
Pen or pencil?: Pencil,of the mechanical variety.
Paper or plastic?: Plastic.
Tiger or cheetah?: Cheetah.
Dolphin or shark?: dolphin.
Catsup or Ketchup?: Ketchup.
Mayonnaise or miracle whip?: Mayo.
Pirates of the Carribean or Lord of the Rings?: POTC.
Knife or scissors?: Scissors.
Pants or shorts?: Pants.
Windy or calm?: Calm.
Flower or weed?: Flower.
Half empty or half full?: Half empty.
Cordless or cell?: Cell.
House or home?: Home.
Karate or kickboxing?: Kickboxing.
---->About your friends<-----
Who's the nicest?: depends on the situation haha.but I guess Katie,Janelle,Dana.
The cutest?: er,Sammie :).
The tallest?: Ryan.
The shortest?: Katie,Erin,maybe even Dana.
Who's the meanest?: Jenn,Steve.
Do you have a crush on one of them?: well Ryan,but were together
Who's most likely to end up in jail?: Roger,Sam,Steve
Who's most likely to become all they want to be?: I dont know,anyone who wants to
Who's the smartest?: Jenn.
The loudest?: Jenn,Steve,Ellise,Sam.
The quietest?: Janelle,Becki.
The nosiest?: Katie.
The most obnoxious?: idk.
Who can you relate to best?: ugh,I guess ..Idk,haha...
Who knows you the best?: Ryan,Mana,Teen and probably Dana believe it or not haha.
Who have you known the longest?: Janelle,tho we wernt friends through a long period of time.
How 'bout the shortest?: Dana,Roger.
Who do you see most often?: Ryan or the twins.
Who makes you laugh the most?: Ryan,Steve,Teen,Mana,Ellise,Jenn.
Who makes you cry the most?: Ryan,Steve.
Who's the strongest?: I dont know,what do you mean by strong?.
The weakest?: like i said.
The most creative?: Jenn.
The shyest?: already asked didnt you.
Most outgoing?: idk.
Most colorful?: meaning?.
Most stylish?: er,i guess the twins.
Most likely to become a model?: haha,idk.
Most likely to end up pierced many times over?: er,Dana i guess.
Most likely to hurt themselves accidentally?: Idk.
Most likely to try a citizens arrest?: Idk.
Who sings the most?: idk but Erin and Janelle are good singers that I know of.
Who has the best singing voice?: Erin and Janelle.
Best talking voice?: idk.
Who wears the most jewelry?: Idk.
Who whistles the most?: I DONT KNOW!
Whose house do you spend the most time at?: no ones reAlly haha,everyone always cmes here!..twins,then.
*#* Thought provokers *#*
Is abortion wrong? Give the reason for your answer.: No, because there is always a situation where someone may have been raped or something.
What about euthenasia?: what?
What are your thoughts on the war in Iraq?: stupid and unnessescary.
Is there life on other planets?: I dont believe that there is
How did we get here?: Who knows!God,somehow..maybe
Creation or the Big Bang or something else?: creation.
Is sex before marraige wrong?: not if your ready and careful.
Is it wrong to be gay?: No!
How old should children be when they start school?: I dunno, the ages are good now i guess.
Is the Bible true?: i dont know,i sort of believe some of it i guess.
Did Jesus really come to earth and die for our sins?: i dont know.
If you could do absolutely anything, what would you do?: go on vacation somwhere
If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it?: house,cars,stuff for in the house and outside of the house,charity,clothes and stuff,give some to friends and family,education...
Jesus loves you.: okay.
Why are we here?: don't know.
)(More random randimosity)(
What color is the sky?: Blue.
Why?: I dunno,i forget why.
Is color real or just an illusion?: Illusion.
Do you think I could have the president for a pen pal?: No.
What's behind you?: a chair.
Who's in the room with you?: No one.
What can you hear right now?: nothing
Without turning your head, what can you see?: Pretty much the whole room.
What are your emotional fears?: growing up,life,death,going crazy,losing loved ones,being in crowds.
What are your physical fears?: needles,dying painfully,jumping off of things,heights i guess.
What brings you joy?: nice weather,good times with friends,alcohol,livejournal,doing surveys,good shows on tv,etc
Do you have any addictions?: diet pepsi,surveys,livejournal.
Any obsessions?: Surveys,livejournal,taking pictures....
What's on your bedroom walls?: marilyn manson poster,happy bunny poster,girly/car calendar of Ryans,mooseheads poster,picture frames with me and friends in them.
Do you have any stuffed animals?: Yes.
I forgot this one - what's your favorite movie?: save the last dance,etc.
How many people are in your family?: In my immediate family, there are 4.
Got any people you call siblings, but aren't related?: kind of..the twins.
Who's the last person you hugged?: Ryan.Awe,best hug ever this morning.I didnt want to let go!.
I'm still hungry, are you?: No.
What's something you're waiting for?: idk,to feel better,to find out something important
Do you like to take pictures?: obsessed!.
Collect anything?: kind of..old ticket stubs and junk,pigs,monkeys,rainbow brite sprites,etc
What can you see out the nearest window?: a house and the road.
What's your least favorite chore?: doing dishes and vaccuming.
What do you dread?: going to school,being in crowds,oral presentations to the class,getting another job,growing up,life in general.
What are you looking forward too?: ugh,summer.
Do you like your handwriting?: Sometimes.
How fast do you type?: Fast.
What color are your socks?: carebear..haha..thats not a color,but whatever.
What do your favorite pair of shoes look like?: black,grey,pink VANS.
How long has it been since you've worn real tennis shoes?: idk.
Do you want a pair of converse all stars?: yes,please.
What color?: purple!.
What was the last commercial you saw?: I don't remember.
What was the last movie you watched? I dont remember that either.
What was the last movie you watched in theaters?: date movie.
What was the last movie you saw that you'd never seen?: idk.
This is almost over! Happy?: Whatever.
What are you gonna do when you're finally FINISHED?: idk,go watch tv and be sad.
Are you smart?: no.
Is your room a mess or clean or in between?: mess.
Do you like cheese?: Yes.
I like peanut butter on cheese. Am I weird?: yes,Mandi dalby does too!ew.
Quick! Start singing!: No.
What's the weather like?: rainy,cold
When's the last time you flew?: never
Do you LIKE to fly?: wouldnt know
This is over.: Coo