Old surveys

Feb 08, 2019 14:37

Are you making sure you're using your full potential?: Nope but I'm okay ...
Do you know anyone, who wastes their time and life doing nothing with it?: that's all perspective ;P
If you have a partner, have you ever had to sleep in separate beds?: we do because of sleep apnea lol
If you don't, how would you feel if a future partner wanted separate beds?: i wish we could sleep TOGETHER :( but it just doesnt work out well for us ..well me mostly lol
Or does having a partner even matter to you?: having Joel does
How many languages can you count to a hundred in?: i used to be able to in French too
How often do you smile at strangers?: often? i dunno
What is something you are skeptical about?: most things haha
What is something you find absolutely unethical?: errrr lots of things
What is something unethical you would not mind doing?: ?
Have you ever played a record backwards to see if there's a hidden message?: no
What is your favourite allegory?: whaaa?
Is there a murder case you find absolutely fascinating?: meh i dont really get into that stuff tho i do like watching crime shows sometimes
What is an unusual item somebody you know owns?: not sure
What is something you do annually without fail?: turn one year older
Do you own a pair of scissors with a ruler on them?: no
Does it bother you, if someone practically bathes in perfume?: yes
What's the oldest TV-show you like? When was it made?: lots!
Have you ever won a trophy for something? If so, what was it for?: dont think so
Have you ever been interviewed for a newspaper? If so, what was it about?: no
How late is too late for coffee?: i dont drink it so...
If you have a job, do you prefer morning shifts or evening shifts?: evenings just work better for me right now
Do you have a mug with your name/initials on it?: no
Have you ever designed your own mug?: no
What was the last gift you gave to someone?: gave my sister a gift for her birthday ; cute ceramic/gold cat studs, YL grapefruit lip balm, cloth pad, purple nail polish, scrubbie thing and i think there was something else that i forget
Is there a game that you excel in?: not these days
Have you ever been in a row boat?: long time ago probably
What is the farthest point you've been from home?: BC
What would be the weirdest habit a person could have?: I'm not sure...

What is your favorite yogurt topping? frozen yogurt or regular yogurt?
When was the last time you burnt yourself, and what were you doing? i dunno
Do you use a sunlamp? no but i have considered buying one
If you're a girl, describe the worst cramps you've ever had. ow? lol
What color shirt are you wearing?: black and grey
Do you set attainable goals, or do you set goals that are too much for you?: fairly attainable for most of them haha
Are there any balloons floating around in your house right now? no
What was the last thing you bought at Kmart? no Kmart here anymore
Where do you shop the most: Kmart, Target, Walmart, Fred Meyer, or other? we only have Walmart of those
What color are your winter boots? burgandy
Have you ever done a craft project you saw on Pintrest? yes
What was the last DIY project you completed? christmas cards
If you're a girl, do you dread getting your period? sometimes i do, sometimes i hope for it so that i can start a new cycle
What would be the most embarrassing thing you could imagine? err....
What is the most embarrassing thing that you've seen happen to someone else: dunno
Do you decorate for each holiday? no
Who do you want to like you that currently has no interest in you? no one romantically ... got my hubbers
Do you think there's any possibility of you ever becoming famous? no
What do you miss about high school? fun times with my friends, less responsibilities
What do you miss about college? see above
Have you ever been stuck in a blizzard? yes
What color is your winter coat? black
What was the last thing you ate? strawberries
What beverages do you drink that contain caffeine? well it depends
What has been the best experience you've had in a church? no idea
Have you ever ridden a horse? dont think
If you could design a clothing line, what type of clothes would you design? plus size obviously, for women and men
How do you style your hair? either leave it down or put it in a bun or pony
What is your favorite way to style your hair? i dunno lol
Do you prefer your hair to be curly, wavy, kinky, or straight? straight or wavy
What color hair did your first crush have? light brown
What do you think of the quote "Life is too short to be anything but happy": it's not easy but that would be nice haha
Do you prefer that your nachos be spicy or not spicy? light to medium spicy?
What color were your bedroom walls painted when you were a teenager? i had a lime greenish color that was more yellow then a hot pink and then dark purple
Does your room reflect your personality? meh not overly...i think about this a lot but just this morning i was like i dont need to spend money for my room to reflect my personality lol
Do you spend too much time daydreaming? probably so :P
Do you own any youtuber's merch? If so, whose and what is it? no
If you had a twin, what would he or she be named? ask my mother :P
What do you think is a good name for a dog? depends on the dog
Have you ever had a kiss that felt magical? many
What makes you feel alive? fresh air? lol
When was the last time that you truly felt alive? errrr been awhile


1.) applesauce or pudding? pudding. mmmmm i want some now
2.) what was your initial reaction when you first realized that your parents had to have had sex to have you? dunno
3.) if you could create ANY mix-up or mythical animal and have it be brought to life, what would it be? a tiny flying cat of sorts
4.) what kind of bread do you prefer? homemade fluffy white or whole wheat bread
5.) describe a moment that is a prominent memory, but didn’t have a strong impact on your life. i dunno
6.) what is the quote/lyric that you relate to most? dunno
7.) if there was one problem/issue you could wipe off the face of the earth, what would it be? that's a tough one
8.) do you think everyone in our lives serves a purpose, or are some people just there? i figure they all serve a purpose
9.) Favorite knock-knock/cheesy joke? none
10.) how do you feel about getting your picture taken? depends
11.) most embarrassing poster you’ve ever owned? dunno
12.) what are the 3 worst movies of all time? dont care
13.) when was the last time you were in a public setting and a stranger annoyed you? not sure
14.) strangest pet peeve? frig i dunno
15.) what is a quirk you find cute in a significant other? my brain isnt functioning great this morning lol
16.) if you could make a guest appearance in ANY show, which one would you choose? meh
17.) who do you think is the most underrated comedian? *Shrugs*
18.) based on your personality, what do you think your spirit animal is? perhaps a cat lol i dunno
19.) color combination that you hate? ....
20.) what is your favorite childhood memory? exploring the woods with my sister and cousin Ryan, various memories in Bridgewater with sister and Patricia, etc.
21.) what cartoon character do you most resonate with? ...
22.) what game do you never lose at? ...
23.) what does your dream home look like? a perfect size with large bedrooms and a finished basement, my office would have lots of light, beautifully decorated, huge deck and backyard along with a hot tub and swimming pool, private treed yard with neighbors pretty far away, garage as well
24.) Honestly, do you love your family, like them, dislike them, or hate them? i love them but sometimes i dont like them lol
25.) pettiest argument you’ve ever been in? many
26.) what is the weirdest article of clothing you’ve ever come across? no idea
27.) what is your favorite day of the week? friday-sunday
28.) Do you feel offended by swear words? no
29.) Stupidest dare you’ve ever done? none
30.) Did your parents ever compare you to your siblings or cousins growing up? Did that affect the way things turned out? probably
31.) You get to be any person in the world for a whole week. Who do you choose? i dunno
32.) one food you hate that should be destroyed at all costs? im not a fan of melons
33.) What is your favorite past time for each of the four seasons? its the same throughout the year basically .... just the regular stufffffffff
34.) what is something that will always make you laugh? Joel?
35.) what does your pet look like? adorbs :P
36.) describe your favorite outfit. pjs hahahaha otherwise leggings, tank, another shirt over the tank
37.) most annoying noise you’ve ever heard? people chewing loudly for one
38.) at what age did you learn to drive? i forget now haha.. 18 i think?
39.) What is something that you own which you know you probably shouldn’t? meh
40.) last thing you made with your own 2 hands? dont remember
41.) Favorite time of day? depends on the day and the weather, etc but i guess usually night time or late morning
42.) Do you believe in ghosts, spirits, or any kind of afterlife? sure
43.) what sports did you do in school? none
44.) if you had been voted for a 'superlative’ in your last yearbook (class clown, laziest, most likely to become president, etc) what would you have been voted? errrI
45.) reality show idea that you would most definitely watch on television? ...
46.) do you still own a landline phone? no
47.) scariest storm you’ve ever had in your town? not sure ... wind storms?
48.) skill you wish you had? i wish i was more artsy for one
49.) what is something you wish you could talk more about, but don’t for fear of what other people would think? fertility, hormones, FAM (fertility awareness method)
50.) last book you read? my thyroid and pregnancy/fertility book...dont remember what it's called

1) Do you bite on straws, lollipop handles, or ice cream sticks? sometimes
2) Do you enjoy lacing shoes? nope
3) In what type of area was your first sexual encounter? what do you mean?
4) What kind of socks do you prefer and do you wear them to bed? i hate socks but i have to wear them sometimes
5) What color is your toothbrush- or do you practice hygiene at all? turqoise and lime green
6-7) Do you enjoy interior or outdoor spaces, and what kind? various?
8) Where is your mother’s side of the family descended from? i think mom said that gramps has Russian in him but i honestly don't know
9) How old were you when you realized that you loved film or music? i loved music at a young age
10) Do you spend much time in a car every day? no
11) What do you occupy your time with on flights? music or tv
12) Do you ever miss belt loops? probs but i rarely wear belts
13) Do you enjoy the irony of good pop music? errrr
14) When was your last major illness? What was it? a mild flu in november
15) Do you get gum on the bottom of your shoes or are you “barefoot and pregnant?” huh to the last part
16) Do you sleep in the same bed as someone else? the cat lol
17) Do you drool on your pillow or are you dry? i can be a drooler
18) Do you dog-ear pages in books? yes
19) Name one defining moment in your life. errrr
20) Is the place where you live dark or full of light? depends on if we open the curtains haha. it's full of light right now
21) Are you dark or full of light? both :P
22) What’s a made up word of yours? no idea
23) If you could be any kind of underwear, which would you be? granny panties
24) Do you use Q-Tips? yes
25) What do koalas make you think of? australia
26) Ever gone out with somebody you didn’t like? no?
27) What hero or heroine do you most relate to in history, fiction, or song? ...
28) What makes you dizzy? feeling stressed/anxious, etc
29) Are your parents liberal or conservative? meh
30) Do you like your teeth? Did you have braces? no x2
31) What scares you that shouldn’t? being alone at night (not always tho)
34) What do you want to name any possible future children? probably Leah Dawn, Zachary Isaac or Zachary Logan or some variation of those names
35) Do you compulsively listen to any certain song? no
36) What are you always losing? my mind :P
37) Do you fight with people in your head moments or even years after confrontations happen? yes haha
38) You’re a fish. Would you eat the stinky flakes or swim into the motor? lolol
39) Are the flakes stinky to the fish? probably not
40) Do you hate a certain body part? sometimes
41) What do you love about life today? well today i love that it's sunny . i enjoy waking up to sunshine
42) Do you ever realize how ridiculous you’re being yet continue on anyway? yes
43) Are you a dog or cat person? cat
44) Do you have a theme song? no
45) How do you like your eggs? many ways but i could go for scrambled
46) Would you admit to disliking a piece of art in a gallery? yes
47) Plants or animals? depends on what they are haha
48) Are you happy with your height? sure...sometimes i am annoyed at being taller but whatever


My name is Joshua.
My birthday is in March.
I love the color yellow.
xI love the color pink.
I love the smell of gasoline.
I have never traveled outside of the USA.
I have never been to FL.
I have never sang on stage.
xI love the movie Bridesmaids.
xI think Lady Gaga has a great voice.
I love buying underwear.
/I wear socks to bed.
I love peach scented things.
I own a pair of Uggs.
/I shower at night.
/I love to sleep in.
xI don’t wake up before 6AM for anyone, ever.
I love the movie Anastasia.
I watch The Real Housewives.
I want to watch Desperate Housewives.
/I have subscription to Netflix.
I have subscription to Hulu.
I have subscription to Apple Music.
I have subscription to DC Universe Online.
I have subscription to Amazon Prime.
I have subscription to World of Warcraft.
I watch a movie every day.
xI watch TV every day.
xI have an Instagram.
xI have a Facebook.
I have a Twitter.
I have a TikTok.
I have an iPhone.
xI’m in a relationship.
xI love French fries.
I love Britney Spears.
xI think everyone loved Britney in the 2000s.
I miss Lindsay Lohan being in all the tabloids.
xI graduated from High School.
xI enjoy photography.
I enjoy painting.
I love tea.
I drink coffee every day.
I want to visit California someday
I hate beer.
xI drink wine.
I like red wine better than white.
I love to color my hair.
I love Starbucks.
xI’m currently on my laptop.
My laptop is silver.
I’m currently not wearing pants.
I’m currently wearing socks.
xI’m currently on my bed.
xI’m currently not in a room alone.
xI like staying in hotels.
I want a pool table someday.
xI like mini-golf.
I think Marvel is better than DC.
I love pomegranates.
I always want lemon in my water.
I can eat a whole lemon like it’s an apple.
I get told I look JUST like my mom.
xI have a sister.
I’m gay.
xI’m not in the mood to move at all.
I’m thirsty.
I LOVE sparkling water.
xI think Hilary Duff seems sweet.
I play Overwatch.
xI have a full-time job.
I worked today.
I have pet turtles.
I’m allergic to cats.
xI’m not waking up for 8AM tomorrow.
I’m going out to breakfast tomorrow.
I love bubble baths.
xMy hair is currently my natural color.
I was platinum blonde this summer.
I hate apple sauce.
xI love sushi.
I hate milk.
I got a package in the mail today.
xMy stomach kind of hurts right now.
I’m from New England.
I say the word “wicked” a lot.
/I hate when people say “whatever”
xI’m a 90s kid.
I had a burrito today.
I have a Pandora bracelet.
xI love British accents.
I love Target.
I wore a hat today.
I wear jeans everyday.
/I never wear scarves.
I shaved today.
/I’m tired.
I could sleep anywhere, anytime.
I enjoy making surveys.
xI hate Facebook…
I only share memes on Facebook, that’s all.
xI have more than 2 pillows on my bed.
xI spend most my money on food.
I’m a lightweight when it comes to drinking.
My bedroom has hardwood floors.
xI think every house should have central air.
I also think every house should have a dishwasher.
xDogs are too loud and too much work for me.
/I used to want kids.. but not anymore. (i do but i dont ugg)
My lips are currently chapped.
I’m wearing cherry chapstick.
I love going to the zoo.
I live with my boyfriend.
xI love gummy bears.
I like the blue Doritos over the red.
/I don’t wear glasses.
My bedroom is blue.
/I need to clean my room.
/I plan on moving soon.
/I want to be my own boss someday.
xI love peanut butter.

Do you prefer your nails long or short? Why?: shorter side because they are easier to deal with
Do you have any vinyl records?: no
Do you actually listen to them?: -
What kind of shampoo do you prefer?: i use Young Living lavender mint shampoo right now
What about your favorite bodywash?: i make my own foaming soap with dr.bronners baby scent castille soap, water and a few drops of essential oil of choice sometimes
Do elevators freak you out?: sometimes but less than escalators hahahaha
Are you still in touch with your best friend from high school?: the twins are still my best friends
Which serial killer(s) do you find most fascinating?: ...
Do you think Darlie Routier is guilty, or the case is worth reexamining?: ...
Do you ever watch Cold Case Files or World's Most Evil Killers?: ...
Have you ever visited any celebrity gravesites?: no
How do you feel about archaeology?: it's cool
Any animals whose behaviors you find particularly interesting?: most animals
What are your thoughts on gun control?: ugggg
Have you ever had an exotic pet?: no
Would you have a big cat (like a tiger) for a pet if you could?: no
Do you like animals better than most humans?: depends haha
The world is a scary place - do you believe there's still good out there?: yes
What simple things in life bring you the most joy?: days off, good days with Joel, good days with friends/fam, being able to help people i love especially when it's about things im passionate about (like using period trackers hahah)
What are your favorite smells?: garlic, rain on pavement, low tide (lol), various essential oils, etc.
Ever found anything cool at a thrift store? What was it?: lots of stuff! last cool thing i found was a bart simpson kids sweater from the 90s lol
Do you still use a radio, or just use your phone/computer for music?: usually just phone
How do you find new music to listen to when you want it?: youtube, tv, spotify
Do you like all those dystopian future books/movies?: ?
Have you ever had to block people online for harassing you?: dont think
What kind of socks do you prefer to wear (Crew, ankle, knee, etc)?: meh i hate socks
Do you have any family heirlooms? What?: butterfly broaches from my great grandmother, etc.
Isn't reality scarier than anything in those horror movies?: sometimes haha
If you collect anything, what is your favorite piece of that collection?: ....stufffffff
How did you meet your significant other (if you have one)?: POF
How did you meet your best friend?: school through other friend
Are you friends with anybody you didn't like at first?: yes
Are there any musicians you didn't like at first, but grew on you?: yes
Is there anything you used to love, but now dislike?: sure
Have you watched Seth MacFarlane's The Orville?: no
What is your favorite thing to do on The Sims?: n/a
If you have any, what is your favorite expansion pack for The Sims?: n/a
Did you ever play The Sims Medieval?: no
Do you have any tattoos?: no
If yes, is there any meaning behind them?: -
If no, do you want any? What would you like?: no
Have you dyed your hair more than once (and different colors)?: Yes.
Which hair color you've had has been your favorite?: reds or just this one i guess
Your favorite place to be aside from your home?: Amandas house because it always relaxes me for some reason lol
If you were stupid-rich, would you ever actually want a mansion?: probably not
Do you have any favorite books you'd like to have signed by the author?: no
Did you ever read Good Omens?: no
Are you planning on watching the show based on it?: ...
Do you enjoy any of those old black and white horror films?: nope
Does glitter annoy you?: it can but i also love it
What kind of makeup remover do you prefer? (If you wear makeup.): water and possibly soap too
Did you ever sit alone at lunch in school?: yes
Did random people come sit with you to try to be nice?: no?
Do you like any board games or card games?: i mostly like trivia or word/drawing games
What is your favorite part of your physical appearance?: depends on the day but i guess my face
Do you know anybody who puts ketchup on their mac n cheese?: i have on occasion
Can you drink your coffee black?: dont drink it at all
What is your favorite kind of tea?:none
What is your least favorite beverage?: tea? lol
Root beer floats -- delicious, or nasty?: not sure if ive had one
Are there any foods you never get tired of?: cheese, pizza, goulash, hamburgers, boneless wings
Do you remember your first celebrity crush? Who was it?: taylor hanson or kevin richardson /nick carter of bsb
Do you shave up past your knees (if you shave your legs)?: in the summer ..if i swim/expose them
What color are the eyes of your significant other (or crush)?: brown
Did you see the miniseries When We Rise about LGBTQ+ activist Cleve Jones?: ....
What historical figure(s) are you most interested in?: ...
What are your favorite non-fiction books, if any?: ...
What are your guilty pleasures, if any?: food
Are you comfortable talking about sex?: mostly
Do you think a lot of people are too uptight about sexuality?: yes
Do you think you could ever be in an open relationship?: no
Any old home remedies you use when you're sick?: meh

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