Mini entry

Apr 12, 2016 11:43


I am happy for some reason and wanted to write an entry to balance all of the negative from the last one. I am actually working and typing this on my phone during downtime so it might be a little weird.

I've noticed that my bout of depression is starting to subside. It makes me wonder if it was either mainly hormone related (as I was off my thyroid pills) or largely influenced by the winter. Now that the sun is shining more I seem to be happier.

I also bought some healthy food when I did my grocery shopping the other day and that usually helps. I've been eating spinach salad and boy it is good.

One sad thing is that Joel tells me he is quitting after Tuesday because for one he feels like he is getting singled out all of the time and second they are giving everyone 10hr shifts because they can't keep anyone lol. I'm just going with it and praying to Buddha  (lol) that he gets in at Michelin or Highliner. I wish they would call him already for the next step for Michelin. ...since we now know there isn't a drug test and he assumed haha. His interview with high liner is on Monday. He already did the online aptitude test and said it was insane.

Anyway....I totally forgot I was writing this haha. So this was actually from yesterday.

Now from today...
I just ate some yogurt and strawberries and dish the dishes. I also played ball with Marvin and then changed my sheets.  Gotta work 3-11 today and then I am off for 3 days! Too bad this week is supposed to be rainy almost everyday. Thursday there might be a chance it doesn't so I think I'll go to Liverpool to the dairy treat and to see some family. Joel may or may not quit today so I have no idea if he will be coming with and going to fish us some trout! Yummy!

That's all for now

-T xo
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