Aug 30, 2005 22:39
So it appears that the semester is really started. I haven't updated in a lil while- I just didn't feel like it for some reason. My enthusiam with this thing comes and goes. The first week of classes went well, granted that really only includes biochem and genetics. It's too early to decide how those are going to go, but I see lots of work in the future. Genetics will be a ton of memorizing (blah). The prof seems alright, though I can only say so much because he's cancelled 2 of the 3 lectures we've had so far. NICE. Though I've heard biochem will rip me a new one, it's by far my most interesting class. Dr. Gregory is amazing, and he keeps us laughing while we scribble away notes. Music appreciation and health should balance that. I'm pretty much ahead in all my classes at the moment. The goal is to stay that way because once things pick up, I'm not going to have time to be behind. First rush for APO is tomorrow, so that will be fun. It's definately going to keep me busy, and I'm really looking forward to a couple of the projects.
I've started a sorta new project in research lab. It's a new part of the old project, but I actually understand it...I think. I'm the most senior undergrad in the lab now- that's scary. I get a lot of "Skye, show ___ how to ___" from Philippe, which is cool, but I'm paranoid about screwing up my own stuff in there, never to mention someone else's poor project. We also have to give a 15-20 minute presentation on our projects for the semester sometime soon. This is a fun new little development, or not. Rachel jokingly said that of course they'll be due the day after a biochem test or something. That would be just lovely. Granted, if that happens, we've decided to simply say that day doesn't work for us since all three of us are in Gregory's class.
This past weekend was a lot of fun. The weekend officially started on Thursday for me. I've joined the rest of the university. But by golly, it only happened that one time, and never again. I was still buzzed in biochem at 11:00am Friday morning. Oh my. Bad Skye, bad. I like to think that I made up for it by DDing for Justin, Dave, and my roomies Friday night. Not wanting to come within 20 feet of an alcoholic beverage has nothing to do with it, of course. Saturday was another party, this time with Justin and the coolest bunch of chemistry dorks ever ;). More importantly, Justin and I celebrated the 6 month mark. :)
Aunt Mel's surgery is next week. I'm starting to get really nervous about it. Thursday is going to be a rough day; I wish I didn't have 2 exams that day. It's so frustrating being so far away, all I can do is hope and pray. A lot.
That's all for now kiddos. Let's see if I can manage to keep thing up to day while at school.