Apr 08, 2004 16:42
The following is a partial list of dimensions already visited and explored.
Home: This refers to the dimension most of us know. It is not 'my' (fic-Tis) original dimension. However, it is where I was mostly raised. I have adopted it as my own.
Prismata: My original dimension, in which I was born before being sent away due to certain traits which were unwelcomed by my line, clan, and the Spectrum as a whole. Prismata is less technologically advanced in some ways, while being more advanced in others. War is unknown in Prismata, and all disagreements, even blood-debts, are settled by the Assembly. More on this dimension to come.
Crasinah Marketplace: While this is not the name of the dimension as a whole, it is the majority of it. Picture a grand maketplace stretching farther than the eye can see. The Marketplace is more of a hub between dimensions. Many beings come here to trade and sell goods and services. Anything that can be found can be gotten at the Crasinah Market-- weapons, foods, potions, philtres, clothing in various states of repair, luxury and subsistence food-stuffs... the list goes on. If you can't get it there, chances are you can't get it anywhere. More on the Marketplace later.
Azteca: A primarily Mexicali-influenced dimension in which men are rare. The old Gods of the Aztecs and Mayans are worshiped there, and they answer their peoples' calls. This is a bad dimension in which to break the laws. Although this dimension is technologically advanced and very clean, it can be dangerous to those who are unaware of the societal intricacies. (See 'House Hunting...' Errands series #2)
Artesia: The society of Artesia is arranged along caste lines, more or less. Social standing is almost always unalterable. The creme de la creme live on the 'Hill', although it is more like a series of hills. The closer to the top one lives, the higher one's standing. This is probably due to the regular rain storms, which wash hundreds- if not thousands- of gallons of mud and rock down the Hill. These components are replaced by the equally regular hiccups from a geyser-like mouth in the earth a few thousand yards from town. These 'earth-mouths' are very common in this dimension; thus the towns being so near them. Most of the Hill-folk are craftsmen or artists of some sort. The lower on the Hill someone lives, the more likely they are to be tradesmen, rather than Craftsmen. Those who live in town are considered to be the least of society, although life as it is known there would grind to a halt were these 'lowers' to rebel against the staus quo. The class structure is maintained by designating certain schools and schoolings for each societal rung. (See 'Errands...' Errands series #1)
Cobalt: Thus called because of the deep, brilliant blue of the water which comprises most of this dimension. Cobalt is more a series of islands than anything else. The Captains and Crews of the inter-island transports are the top of the food chain here. Because of the distances between settlements, the people of this dimension have created methods of communication which might seem odd to those from other worlds. The large degree of water and small amount of livable land has led to some rather interesting developments in the plant and animal life. The highest monetary unit here is white gravel because of the scarcity.
Sperra: Sperra is almost the opposite of Cobalt. There are only two oceans or seas in this dimension, which is mostly mountainous land with a fair amount of level ground for cultivating and a large amount of desert. The people of Sperra see nothing odd about semi-sentient plant life. In fact, they would be amazed to see plants that didn't think in at least a rudimentary fashion. The flora here are not as mobile as that of Cobalt, however. Seashells are prized above anything in this dimension, as obtaining them requires long and incredibly arduous treks through dangerous terrain.
More on other dimensions as they are discovered. :)