Call me weird, I'm one of those people who has access to (almost) all of her icons, even those dating all the way back to eight years ago. XD; So hey, thought you guys would get a kick out of my graphics-making growth (lol), or get a kick out of doing this yourself! Even if you've just started making icons, I for one, am always finding terrible icons in batches I've done just last month or so, or even trends that I discovered I should have never attempted. Embarrassment? What embarrassment! Go for it! :D
My comments are below!
01. My first. Very first 100x100 pixeled icon that met the save button (from who knows what the heck I was using then). Photoshop? Paint Shop Pro? MS Paint? XD (2003)
02. Brushes. Before people discovered the awesome-ness of texturizing icons, brushes were the coolest thing. (That and transparent/animated gifs. *_*) That was my era of adding cheesy text that really made no sense with the icon subject, but I tried anyway. Notice how I totally missed redoing the border after brushing. XD;; /fail (2003)
03. Star Ocean &hearts. I think this was Mosaic set on Overlay? :o I honestly think it could still give some great effects if used subtly. Rena and Claude are cute. (2003)
04. Transparent Gifs. Looking back on it now, this icon would never look good if it was on a dark background. XD I-I had shiny gif templates then and it was too tempting. (2003)
05. It's the shiny again. Hello excessive brushing! (2003)
06. Finally getting past 2003! Shiny white border on overlay. Man, I must've really liked that overlay. (2004)
07. You mean icons don't have to be 100x100?! XD REVELATION!! (2004)
08. Not the horrid motion blur! Yes, it is. Plus overlayed pixelation. But the squishy makes up for everything. *simple* (2004)
09. Ow, the red! I-I don't know what happened here. But I cry for your eyes and my eyes. And Luffy. (2004)
10. I can do manga too! Okay, I actually still like my manga ones. They make for great expressions to replies. XD (2004)
11. Then I discovered Gaussian Blur. You're okay, your eyesight is not failing you; it's just that nasty blur. Haha. (2004)
12. When in doubt, use a random song title! .__.; (2004)
13. The Lighten feature. (2005)
14. The cake has been texturized, yo. I almost did not find any icon made in 2006. ;; It's like I took a break to discover Arashi or something. Hah! (2006)
15. Lastly, for good measure. Very first Arashi icon! 8D And well, you know the rest. (2007)
Do you guys remember the time when an icon wasn't an icon unless it was bordered? What ever happened to that? XD