Survey* --check it out!

Dec 21, 2003 14:00

a - age: 15
b - best quality: uhh, i don't know-you tell me!
c - choice of meat: steak or chicken
d - dream date: famous-ashton kutcher or eric christian olsen..but my dream was chris, so now I have him- no need to think about a famous one ;]
e - end of your life (when do you want it to come?): after i have experienced everything that i have always wanted to in life, been successful in my goals; & when god thinks it's time for me to go..
f - favorite food: cheese fries w/ranch dressing
" - fruit: chocolate-covered strawberries
g - greatest accomplishment: uhh..i'll have to think on that one*
h - happiest day of your life:in recent memory? the day chris & i started dating; in the past year? cheering for girls' b-ball when they won state!
i - interest in career: pharmacy
j - job: don’t have one ;]
k - kool-aid: strawberry
l - love: god; family; chris; friends;
m - most valued thing i own: 1)my life 2)chris 3)[material wise..I dunno?]
n - name: [girl]: Krista or Jesslyn [boy] Kegan or Craig
o - outfit you love: my a&f shirt & jeans + my ‘clogs’
p - pizza toppings: cheese & pepperoni
q - question you want to ask: ‘how’s it goin?’ haha*not
r - restaurants: Outback; Olive Garden; Red Lobster; Monterey
s - sport to watch: football
t - tv shows: ‘The OC’; Simple Life; CSI; Without A Trace; Full House; Room Raiders, etc..
u - unique habit: organizing everything
v - video: Bruce Almighty or How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
w - winter: snow
x - ?
y - year born: 1988
z- zodiac sign: gemini

clothes- Abercrombie; Hollister; Wet Seal; AE sometimes
taste- in clothing? just told ya; music? country; food? mostly anything!
hair- brown w/blonde highlights
annoyance- stubborness; liers
smell- Hollister August -[my new fav]
thing i ought to be doing- cleanin’ my closet or exercising
desktop picture- a&f picture of a guy & girl kissing w/Tisha & Chris written on it!
favorite cd- burnt ones
book you're reading- none-- just magazines
refreshment- chex mix & dr. pepper
worry- something coming in between chris & I

last person:
you touched - Chris
you talked to - Chris
you hugged - Chris
you instant messaged - Catherine
you yelled at - Mom
you called - Chris
called you - Catherine

color- pink & red
album- Rascal Flatts & Kenny Chesney
shoes- 'my clogs'
animal- dog
movie- 'Cat in the Hat' haha*
song- currently? Kenny Chesney - 'There Goes My Life'
vegetable- 'grilled asparagus'
fruit- strawberries
cartoon- Spongebob Squarepants, of course ;]

3 things you are often complimented for = eyes, hair, clothes
personality = crazy, ditzy at times, kind, ...
a compliment you got that made you blush = uhh..?
you get embarrassed when = a teacher asks me a question, & i don't know the answer
makes you happy = chris
upsets you = when my parents & sister seem like they have to argue & fuss at me all the time
you keep a diary = no, i have this lj
you like to cook = yes, some things
you have a secret you have not shared with anyone = nope, i don't think so?!
you fold your underwear = yes
you talk in your sleep = yes
you set your watch a few minutes ahead = i don't wear a watch, but my clock i do!
you bite your fingernails ='s a habit*
you believe in love = yes

x. movie you rented = Dumb & Dumberer
x. movie you bought = ?
x. song you listened to = Brad Paisley - Little Moments
x. song that was stuck in your head = 'Who's that Girl' w/the made-up rendition called 'What's that Smell' w/my twin!
x. song you've downloaded = Kenny Chesney - There Goes My Life
x. cd you bought = Britney Spears - In the Zone
x. cd you listened to = burnt one
x. tv show you've watched = The OC
x. person you were thinking of = Chris
x. you wish you could live somewhere else = away from home -like chris said the other night - 'i wish i had my own house'
x. you believe in online dating = no
x. others find you attractive = i guess?
x. you want more piercings = just a '3rd hole' in my ear
x. you want more tattoos = i don't have any, & i don't want 1
x. you drink = no
x. you do drugs = no
x. you smoke = no
x. you like cleaning = when i feel like it ;]
x. you like roller coasters = yes, definitely!
x. ever cried over a boy/girl = yes-who hasn't?
x. ever lied to someone = yeah..
x. ever been in a fist fight = no

x. shampoo do you use = 'Back to Basics' - Kiwi Melon
x. perfume do you use = Abercrombie; Hollister; AE; Ralph Lauren..
x. shoes do you wear = those that are in my closet

x. of times you have had your heart broken? twice..?
x. of cds' that you own? no clue, i don't count them*
x. of times your name has appeared in the newspaper? a few
x. of things of your past that you regret? i believe that everything happens for a reason, so i don't regret anything ;]

**this survey definitely gave me something to do, so i hope you enjoy it!**

nrs + cgm
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