♥'It's not being in love that makes me happy...

Dec 03, 2003 18:59

..it's being in love with you that makes me happy'♥

Alright, so i've not updated since thanksgiving..i do believe?! I guess i'll just update where i left off ;]

..let's see--I woke up being sick w/just a sore throat & all..so i just layed around all day & finally decided to get ready around 3 or so?!.. Eventually, i talked to chris and i ended up goin out to his house around 8, after i went to Pizza Hut w/the 'rents'! We watched 'The Italian Job'..well some of it--until we decided that we didn't understand any of it nor what was goin on. So Nick, Chris, & I ended up watching 'The Blue Collar Comedy Tour'..or something like that?! It was pretty funny! I ended up leavin around 11 somethin' & i go outside to get in the car & it's absolutely pouring the snow! We slid the whole way back to my grandmother's house to visit w/my aunt a lil while before we went home..* As soon as i got home (around 12-ish)-i went straight to bed!

I woke up feelin pretty bad--so, i just watched mom, dad, & mia put up the christmas tree and all of the decorations..while i watched the good 'ole ♥Tennessee♥ game! 'i love my vols'! Anyways, i got in the shower & got ready around 5...so, me & mia went w/the 'rents' to JC to eat at 'Outback'..♥yummm..♥ & then came back home! It was a *fun* night out w/'em! Came home, got on icq--talked to chris for awhile ..then went to bed.

Oh goodness..this was the day i woke up sick worse that the day before-- I ended up not goin to church & just layed around all day, b/c for (1)the 'refrigerator fixer-upper man' was here from 12 til after 4:30!! geeze-- I finally took a shower, went & picked up chris around 4 & came back here for like 10 minutos. We left & proceeded to Bristol to the 'lights' at the speedway! They were 'just as i remembered them from the years before'..but beautiful!! Chris, Mia, & I ice-skated before we drove through the speedway-- i really didn't wanna do it--but i'm glad that 'my ♥wonderful♥ boyfriend; pushed me to do it! it was actually very fun-- Anyways, after we did all that...we went to 'El Matador' to eat us some *mexican*-i *heart*[♥] that place!! On the way back home, i started to feelin really bad once again.. ;[ We got in wise around 11-ish..[[i think?!]]

Well, i was supposed to go to school--yes..but instead i woke up feelin' terrible again, so mom took me to work w/her & got me in to see the doctor. She gave me some medicine & all that good stuff ..& i came home and just rested all day--i fell asleep around 5, talked to chris once i woke up, & couldn't sleep just the least lil bit that night =*(

I went to work w/my mom for awhile, then we went to the DMV to 'attempt' to get my learners..but it was such a 'hassle'-(sp?) gettin all the proper documents..since we don't receive [never] a piece of mail at our street address, so mom got a tad bit upset-ok that was an understatement--pissed off &..we left. So i guess i'll go to get my learners..sometime later on in the month--once we can get something sent to our 'street address'--but the post office won't deliver here..weird/complicating/..you name it!! yeah! Ok...anyways, i checked into school around 10:20 & went to 2nd block-- i was so glad to see my *baby* finally..--& all 'dressed up' he looked great-just like always ;] ;] *smiles*

After school we had [sarcastically-->]good 'ole cheerleading practice! Practically each & every one of us were sick--so needless to say, our coach wasn't too happy w/us.. haha* I came home & talked on icq for awhile, waited on chris to get home from the tournament in bristol, then called him & finally went to bed around 12!

I actually went to school today & was in homeroom for the first time this week..lol! Went to gym, just watched everyone run/jump rope..then did some make-up 'health' work, did some make-up 'homework', then ate some cake for Sheena's birthday! Happy Birthday Hun!--which i might add the cake was *really* good.. 2nd block--well lemme tell ya! I felt like i was gonna puke everywhere [no exaggeration], & all ms.brewer did was talk & talk & finally gave us a practice biology sol test. I was so sick to my stomack, head, throat, & had a fever that i just put any answer that popped into that little pen's brain! haha* I went to the bathroom..couldn't stand it but not puke..so it was time for the 'early birds' to leave class & go to lunch-when i finally decided that i was too sick to be at school! I waited at chris's locker to tell him that i was leaving school & his exact words were, 'tisha, you need to go home'.. So i took it as that i looked pretty bad.. I went to lunch-used the payphone & called mom..dad came and checked me out & took me to mom's office again!! Sheww, then they had an x-ray already ordered for me, got that over w/& they finally came down to it--i didn't have pneumonia, i have 'pleurisy'-[it's where inflammation occurs in the ribs, chest wall, chest, around the heart, & eventually spreads to other parts of the body, if not treated]- it's only 'viral'..so the pain should be gone about 1-2 wks. w/the 'big' shot that they gave me in the rear-end..& to say the least--i was so sore! haha* My grandmother came & picked me up ..& took me to cheerleadin' practice so that i can just cheer on the sidelines tomorrow & friday in bristol at the girl's tournament! & eventually i think my coach is gonna let me build saturday at the game then..?! it just depends on how sick i still am!.. Anyways, came home; ate some chinese; & now i'm on here waitin on chris to get home from practice so that i can reaffirm him to not be so worried about me--awe!! ;] i have a *wonderful* b/f..!!

[[So there's my explanation of what my week has been like & how sick i have been ;[ ]]

Friday night--..after the game, i believe that JB, Catherine, Reuben, Summer, Chris, & I are goin to have a 'bonfire' at JB's casa!!

Saturday night-- i've heard that we'll more than likely be at bristol all day for the tournament to finish up! So i think afterwards Catherine & I may take a trip to JC to the mall to do some 'much needed' Christmas shopping for each other, brynnster, our 'secret santa', & of course our 'guys'! If not then, most likely Sunday?!..

I know that this was a very 'lengthy' entry, but at least it will give you some idea of what's goin on in my life & give ya something to do!

Well, i'm gonna go 'tend' to my sister--she is now sick w/a 101.5 temperature! Our whole family + friends.. have been sick this week/past weekend! So please pray for all of us!

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