bored. so im updating

Dec 31, 2004 10:51

Well, seeing that I haven't updated in like forever, and I have a lot of time on my hands, I'll start at monday. lol. Ok well not much happened. Went snowboarding alll day with david and sylvia. we saw mike taylor and chilled with him too. Later we were told that kyle, matt, and pat were there so we eventually met up with them. the end. Tuesday was especially boring. I went bowling for my grandpas birthday. Not exactly fun since I was with my much younger cousins and grandparents, aunt and uncle, and my folks. Adding to that, I completly suck at bowling (I scored a 57 and a 59) lol. Then we ate dinner which was really good and had cake, which was really good. Wednesday consited of waking up early. Me and my mom picked Jacqui pu and we went out to my barn. There were 17 german shepards there. That is including my dog and the 12 puppies. We rode ((bareback.. major owch)) for awhile. But my horse is retarded and has a really high backbone.. yea not fun when you We ate WENDYS!!!! yes and then we went back to my house so I could showerand get my stuff to go to jacquis. Guess what we did next. Yea, we went to jacquis. whoa. she showered and then we went to see Spanglish with micah and Ian. boy that was fun! lol me and jacqui were laughing the whole movie, even when it was supposed to be sad. But i was crying.. from laughin so hard. lol. yes yes yes yes yes WEEEEE!!then we walked around fountain walk which we very interesting. ian and me bought ice cream and ian tripped and fell ((lol er i mean. bad?)) and we went to dicks and played hide and go seek. that was fun. Me and jacqui hide in the window on the upper level and were considering to take off our clothes and make poses. lol but then mmicah and ian found us. so me and jacqui ran around kicking a soccer ball. which jacqui like killed when she kicked it to me. then we played a bit of golf and a bijillion year old man told us the store closed a long time ago. So we went outside and made little snow men in the flower beds. ((by the way, mine was the best)) Micahs dad picked us up.. blah blah blah. me and jacqui watched some movie about a dancer in vegas... weird. but yea then we tried to watch Elle Enchanted but fell asleep like 5 minutes in to it. So the next morning we woke up and watched it. Then I went home later and just cleaned the whole day. and today I spotted my brother lifting weights and thats about it. lol leave lots of love!


x kiss the rain x
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