Color meme

Apr 02, 2010 10:23

So drwex gave me "orange" for the color meme.
The meme goes: comment here and I will give you a color*. Then, in your journal, list ten things you love that are that color.

And the toughest one, probably, is orange, because it's my least favorite color. At design--for clothes (I really look horrible in it), or decor, etc.--I dislike it. If a less than pleasing hue is found in nature, I probably like it in that context.

Things I like that are orange.

1. Sunsets.
I love the colors the sun, sky and surrounding clouds turn as the sun sets, particularly contrasting the orange sun with the blue-purple clouds.

2. Marigolds.
Just about any flower would work--I can't think of a flower I don't like--but marigolds are always some shade of orange (well, red-yellow range somewhere), and they're always cheery and abundant with sharing seeds for more. Also, useful for dissuading bugs from eating tomatoes I'm growing.

3. October.
I associate months with colors, and fall (October in particular) is pumpkin-colored. I like pumpkins with their Halloween association, and I like the colors the oak leaves turn and contrast against the blue autumn sky, making them both appear more vibrant. I'm not usually a fan of the blue-orange complementary color scheme, but in that case, I am.

4. Sweet potatoes.
I could make reference to the story of the dog being starving and eating the sweet potatoes because it's hilarious, but no, I've really loved these since I was a kid, and when I grew up I discovered I even liked them without the marshmallows and crumb topping, and felt vindicated when they started getting a lot of attention as being healthy, because Mom used to tell me I'd get fat for eating them.

5. Red hair.
It used to bug me as a kid that hair that was clearly orange was called "red." Red was (and is) my favorite color, and I didn't like it being disparaged that way. But I grew to like the color on people quite a bit, and eventually started dyeing my own hair that color. It still singles people out visually faster than just about any other hair color, even blue.

6. Tangerines.
Not oranges--tangerines. They're a welcome bit of brightness and sweetness in the winter months.

7. The moon.
When the situation's right--such as during an eclipse--the moon turns lovely shades of orange, and it's beautiful and spellbinding.

8. Mangoes.
They're kind of orange, on the inside, when really ripe. And mangoes remind me of tropical jungles and I adore them.

9. Tigers.
Do I really need to explain why tigers are awesome? I love big cats, and those are some of the most graceful, independent, badass cats out there. They also happen to have a killer fashion sense.

10. Starburst.
Strangely enough, though red seems to be more popular, I feel that many fake orange flavored candies and treats don't get the love they deserve. Much as I love real cherries and strawberries, their fake flavors are often less than pleasing. So when everyone else grabs the "better" flavors, I'm left with the tasty ones no one wants.
I almost used "curacao," for similar reasons--it makes so many things taste better--but it's not actually orange.

So. There you go.

* Fair warning: I am a painter, I aced color theory class, and I worked in art supply retail for a few years. If you ask for this, I might be inspired to be awfully specific and go beyond the Crayola standard 8.
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