This is my only icon that is at all HP related

Jul 26, 2007 22:33

I have read Harry Potter, like the rest of the world, and I enjoyed it, like some of the rest of the world. We got our books pretty easily - out of the store by 12:30! - and I requested Saturday off so I could read it. Fun is being stretched out on your bed, yelling stuff back and forth with your sister (who is down the hall in her room) about the book you're both excited to death about. We did the same thing with HBP and OotP and it makes me sad to think it won't happen again.

Anyway. This afternoon I picked up the book again, because I wanted to reread the big ending part. I started towards the end of chapter 28 and had to stop in chapter 29 because Fred, George, and Lee showed up and I started crying my eyes out for poor Fred. I AM SUCH A GIRL. I still want to reread it but I'm pretty sure I'm just going to sob through the entire thing and I'm not up for that right now. I mean, yeah, I cried at the sad stuff the first time through but I was not expecting this. I started crying because Fred was in the room! Hi, brain? I would like some control back, please!
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