Random caitlin is random.

Apr 22, 2012 11:07

First off, I need to randomly mention Jason Pitzl-Waters (the genius behind The Wild Hunt), as he has assured me that once I do so, he will come running. *nod* That said, if you haven't checked out The Wild Hunt, why not do so now; there's an interesting post there today about Earth Day (well, they're all interesting, but to quote Levar Burton, 'you don't have to take my word for it'.. *g*).

In other news, I am dying of excitement about our upcoming Bealtainne ritual and BBQ; looks like it's going to be a pretty healthy turnout (I have nightmares that a million people will show up & we won't be prepared *laughs*), & I'm anxious to see who all will turn up. I know we'll have a decent contingent coming down from Sierra Madrone (seanthedruid is leading the rite & his family's coming along, marshwitch is addressing the Outdwellers for us, and thread_of_song is doing our omen, so that's half a dozen right there), and I've been posting our announcement all over, so who knows who all else is planning on attending that we don't even know about. It's going to be a fantastic day with the Kindreds and the folk. <3

Before I go, I need to mention that holy cannoli, fragbert has a yummy voice. Talked to him on the phone yesterday for the first time after having known him here for, what, maybe 8 years? Sheesh, why did we wait so long? My goodness. Anyway, it was awesome to finally put a voice with the words, & we had a blast chatting. :D

That's it for me.. I'm off to the shop to work on my super secret huge project! Enjoy the day!

[note: this entry is public so Jason can see it *grin*]

bealtainne, the wild hunt, smg, valley oak, ritual, adf, friends

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