Sep 28, 2009 22:52

I attended a speech/teaching by THE Dalai Lama on Friday!

It was a really cool experience. It was held at the Long Beach convention center, and there were so many people there. One thing that really surprised me was the amount of white people there, haha. I'm not used to seeing so many non-Asians who are Buddhist. At the end, he went to the edge of the stage and bowed/waved at people and I cried!; it just seemed so touching at that moment.

The Dalai Lama teachings were a 2-day event, but I only attended Friday's teachings (about the Four Noble Truths) because I had the LSATs on Saturday. UGH I will probably have to take them again in December because I ran out of time for all the sections but for now, I'm just glad it's over.

ALSO, I DROPPED MY LAPTOP!! It was on my bed and it fell off and now the LCD screen is broken :(
I'm currently using my shitty old laptop with missing buttons until I get the screen replaced.
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