Sep 25, 2008 17:11
I have fallen so far behind on my reading and my writing. It will more than likely take me a few weeks to catch up on everything. *sigh*
On other news: pancakes, while delicious, still make a very strange dinner, but whatever.
Skittles has decided that my head is a great replacement for a scratching post at night and has officially made me bleed. Yeah.
My birthday is next Weds and I am stuck working 2p to 10p. >.< However, apparently we at the apartment are going to start partying as soon as I get home and will continue when we get up on Thursday. This will probably be a weekend long thing, so both my gaming groups will be able to partake in the chaos at some point.
Also MOVING INTO A BIGGER PLACE ON OCTOBER 19TH!!!!!!!!!! It is literally right across from where we live now, so we are recruiting as many people as possible to help us in moving everything from one building to the other. Then we will have a big party/gaming session. Whatever. Those who are usually around on Sundays, if you could show up a bit early so that we can set up that much quicker, it would be greatly appreciated. Oh, and any boxes you could spare would be of great help too! Thanks all! ^^